
Unfold the Potential. Together. 

Develop your full potential as a professor at Reutlingen University. We offer excellent conditions, freedom and networks to shape the future together with students. Achieve top positions in the most relevant university rankings at an attractive green location in the midst of one of the strongest economic regions in Europe.

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Overview of requirements

Formal requirements

Nothing but law

The hiring requirements for professors are regulated in §47 Landeshochschulgesetz (LHG) Baden-Württemberg:

  1. Doctoral degree (or proof of special qualification for artistic practice).
  2. Pedagogical aptitude (e.g. through teaching experience, advanced and further training in university didactics)
  3. 5 years of professional experience (at least 3 of which were gained outside an institution of higher education)

Research professorships

Additional requirements for "W3"

For "W3" research professorships, applicants are also expected to have: 

  • Experience in acquiring and conducting research and development projects
  • Proven experience in acquiring research funding

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Other requirements

A final note on

In general, we expect applicants to be: 

  • willing to teach (basic) lectures in related subject areas
  • able to give lectures in English 
  • actively involved in committees and the like
  • excited about helping develop the university beyond teaching and research

Good to know

Teaching load

It's all about time
  • Professors teach 12 to 18 hours a week per semester. A semester usually comprises 15 weeks.
  • Teaching usually includes lectures, seminars or practical courses.
  • Professors are also responsible for supervising Bachelor's and Master's theses.

Salary & bonuses

It's not all about the money
  • Remuneration comprises a basic monthly salary, any performance bonuses and a family allowance, where applicable
  • The basic monthly salary for professorships is regulated by the collective wage agreement and laid out in the "Besoldungstabellen" (salary tables) of the "Landesamt für Besoldung" (State Office for Salaries). 

Possible Performance Bonuses

The Federal Salaries Act differentiates between a number of different performance-related salaries. These are also regulated in the performance pay ordinances of the Länder and the respective university guidelines. These include:


  1. Appointment and retention allowances: These may be granted if higher education institutions have a particular interest in attracting or retaining professors.
  2. Research and teaching allowances: These can be granted if a professor has acquired private third-party funding and conducts the corresponding research and teaching projects himself/herself, or if the sponsor has expressly earmarked funds for such an allowance.
  3. Special performance bonuses, which may be granted for acquiring large amounts of third-party funding (if, in this case, no research and teaching allowance was granted), for successful publication in scientific journals or for an outstanding commitment to teaching assignments.
  4. Functional allowances (e.g. for temporarily assuming special tasks in university management)

Further education

It's about development

Reutlingen University aims to support you in learning new didactic approaches and developing your teaching personality. To this end, we offer a variety of advanced and further training formats in the field of didactics, communication, methodology and many more.

more on professional development

Project "FH-Personal"

Promoting professorial staff

Within the context of the "FH-Personal" programme, the Federal Government and the Länder promote concepts for sustainable personnel recruitment at universities of applied sciences. The goal is thus to improve the recruitment and professional development of professors. At Reutlingen University, the project is being implemented as the "professoRTalent" project.

Project "FH-Personal"

  • Optimisation of personnel recruitment, especially optimised recruitment of diverse target groups and passive seekers. 
  • Increasing the visibility and attractiveness of the university as an employer, as well as the career profile of the HAW professorship.
  • Further professionalisation of appointment procedures. These are to be made more diversity- and gender-sensitive. 
  • Early promotion of potential candidates for professorships
  • Improve internal processes (e.g. onboarding, implementation of flexible part-time models, reduction of teaching load).

Project Management ProfessoRTalent

Prof. Dr. Petra Kneip

Tel.: +49 7121 271 4126

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Project management, Project Communication,
Talent Pool Young Professionals

Laura Simons

Tel.: + 49 7121 271 1095

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Talent Pool Young Professionals

Dr. Louisa Söllner
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1085

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Appointment Processes and Quality Management

Melanie Bitzer

Tel.: +49 7121 271 1098

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Dr. Esther Dusil

Tel.: +49 7121 271 1153

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Gisela Hamal

Tel.: +49 7121 271 1030

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Statements & stories of our professors

First-hand accounts

As a professor at a university of applied sciences (HAW), you are in a unique position to impart knowledge and orientation to young people, to introduce them to career and development opportunities and, at the same time, to enjoy a substantial degree of personal freedom and independent decision-making.

Prof. Dr. Dirk Schieborn

School of Sustainability and Technology

At Reutlingen University you work with the latest technology on an extraordinary variety of current topics which you can integrate into your lectures. I highly value this freedom and the opportunity it brings; the potential for broadening your own horizon is fantastic!

Prof. Anja Hartmann 

School of Informatics

Portrait von Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnd Buschhaus

Some of the benefits of teaching at a HAW include comparatively small class sizes combined with a fantastic opportunity for immediate exchange. Oftentimes, students also have prior practical knowledge in a given subject. This creates room for detailed discussion of a specific issue and enables students to collaborate on real-life tasks.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Arnd Buschhaus 

School of Engineering

I particularly value being able to shape the future! On the one hand, of course, this refers to the students, whom I can support in developing their talents. On the other hand, as a professor I have the opportunity to work with colleagues on the challenges of our time and to explore possible solutions.

Prof. Dr. Petra Kneip 

ESB Business School

The idea of pursuing a professorship developed over many years. During and even after my studies, I held training courses and gave lectures. I have always enjoyed working with young, open-minded adults.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Marcus Schöller

School of Informatics 

For me, it is always a special experience to witness and accompany the development of young people from the start of their studies to their academic graduation. Sometimes it is even the students' final theses that initiate research and development projects. Besides, Reutlingen University encourages research activities by providing very well structured (academic) support.

Prof. Dr. Barbara Priwitzer

School of Engineering

Skin without humans & beef without cows

Prof. Dr. Petra Kluger is Professor for Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication at the School of Life Sciences and researches, among other things, ways of replicating human skin in the laboratory and thus making a significant contribution to the animal-free testing of new medicines and cosmetics.

Giving back to the leaders of tomorrow

Prof. Dr. Maud Schmiedeknecht is Professor for Corporate Governance and Corporate Social Responsiblity and conducts research on sustainable business practices. "It is so important that students (...) develop skills and learn methods to (re)design sustainable business models and processes".

Do you have questions about inclusion & diversity?

The Equal Opportunities Team and the Representative for Severely Disabled Persons are happy to help!


Kernaufgabe der Schwerbehindertenvertretung ist es, die Teilhabe behinderter Hochschulbeschäftigter am Arbeitsleben zu fördern sowie ihnen helfend und beratend zur Seite zu stehen. Die Ansprechpersonen sind: 


Sonia PanichellaSchwerbehindertenvertretung

Tel.: +49 7121 271 1097
Raum: 3-212
Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung

Martina Traub-KaiserStellvertreterink.A.
Hildegard Schuller-GomesStellvertreterink.A.
Anne-Cathrin LumppStellvertreterin



Zur Anlaufstelle für Studierende mit Behinderung oder chronischer Erkrankung

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