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Here you will find the right contact person on a wide range of topics.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Orso teaches at the ESB Business School. His main focus is in the area of CAD for construction and factory layout.

Prof. Dr. techn. habil. Andreas Kandelbauer teaches at the School of Life Sciences. His research areas include: 

  • Natural fibre composites
  • Renewable raw materials
  • Binders and coating materials based on renewable raw materials
  • Lignocellulose-based materials
  • White biotechnology (application of enzymes in technical processes)

Prof. Dr. Petra Kluger teaches at the School of Life Sciences and focuses on:

  • Materials for Tissue Engineering and Biofabrication

Prof. Dr. Petra Kluger teaches at the School of Liefe Sciences. Her research area includes:

  • Tissue Engineering
  • Biofabrication
  • Cellular Agriculture

Prof. Dr. Ing. Bernd Thomas teaches at the School of Engineering. His main topics are:

  • Experimental investigations of mini-cogeneration units on the CHP test bench in the laboratory.
  • Investigation of heat pumps
  • Calculation and design of Stirling machines
  • Development of thermal calculation models

How can young people and students consciously and actively deal with digital media and social networks? Are we at the mercy of these media or can we win back some of the "sovereignty of interpretation" by shaping parts of the net ourselves? Example: Selfies are ok, but what about "otherfies" - are they dying out?

We explore the impact of digital media and social networks on future students. The keywords are globalisation and internationality, communication in social networks, the influence of digital media and social networks on art and design.

Prof. Henning Eichinger teaches at TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. His main subject is artistic conception.


Prof. Dr.-Ing. Katerina Rose teaches at the TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. Her main topics are:

  • Clothing technology
  • Cut construction CAD
  • Confection of technical textiles

What are the real causes of the euro crisis? What are the options for solving the crisis? What would be the consequences of individual or several countries leaving the euro?

Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog teaches at ESB Business School. His main topics are:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Foreign trade
  • Growth and business cycle theory and policy
  • Labour market and technical progress
  • Quantitative methods

How much wool is in the wool sock? What is the advantage of functional clothing? And how does the warmth of different types of wool compare? What are the advantages of wet fleece and how does this innovative technology influence the research landscape?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Volker Jehle conducts research at the IMAT Centre for Interactive Materials and heads the Fibre Technology Laboratory. He also teaches at TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. His topics / teaching areas are:

  • Textile fibre materials
  • Technology of yarn production
  • Fibre processing and nonwoven technology
  • Textile raw material testing
  • Research and development in the field of yarn production

Prof. Dr. Jochen Strähle is an internationally renowned specialist in fashion management and head of the TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. 

Why are there complex financial and investment products? What is good monetary policy? When and how will the European Central Bank's low interest rate policy come to an end? Why are sovereign debt limits important? Does the euro currency have a future?

Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog teaches at ESB Business School. His main topics are:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Monetary and fiscal theory as well as monetary and fiscal policy
  • Quantitative economic policy
  • Mathematical financial economics
  • Neuroeconomics

rof. Dr. Torsten Textor is head of the Teaching and Research Centre Interactive Materials at TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. The members of the LFZ IMAT combine the know-how of the Faculty of Textiles in the fields of fibre and textile technology, functionalisation, smart textiles, electronic textiles, sustainability, recycling and renewable raw materials.

In addition, Prof. Dr. Torsten Textor teaches at the TEXOVERSUM. His main topics are:

  • Surface modification
  • Finishing
  • Functionalisation
  • Coating

Why are there complex financial and investment products? What is good monetary policy? When and how will the ECB's low interest rate policy come to an end? Why are sovereign debt limits important? Does the euro currency have a future?

Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog teaches at the ESB Business School. His main topics are:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Monetary and fiscal theory as well as monetary and fiscal policy
  • Quantitative economic policy
  • Mathematical financial economics
  • Neuroeconomics

Origami - more than just paper? Innovative teaching approaches are pursued at the Faculty of Textiles & Design. In teaching, origami folding first teaches the ability to implement ideas by shaping and building working models with one's own hands in order to develop one's own suggestions and test one's own ideas. In their further development, the aspects of ergonomics, innovative design and innovative materials are taken into account and added value is generated for the user.

Prof. Dr. Martin Luccarelli teaches at TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. His main topics are: 

  • Industrial Design
  • Material design

Interactive materials and systems react intelligently to changes in their environment: seats, for example, can warm or cool depending on the temperature of the person or surfaces can react to the speech signals of the person.

Prof. Michael Goretzky teaches at TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. His main topics are:

  • Transportation Interior Design
  • Consumer & Market Research

Prof. Dr. Torsten Textor is head of the Teaching and Research Centre Interactive Materials of the TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. The LFZ IMAT combines the know-how of Reutlingen University in the fields of fibre, textile and nonwoven technology, sustainability, recycling and renewable raw materials with the broad knowledge of the Institute of Textile Technology and Process Engineering Denkendorf (ITV).

In addition, Prof. Dr. Torsten Textor teaches at TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. His main topics are:

  • Surface modification
  • Finishing
  • Functionalisation
  • Coating

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Tullius teaches at the School of Informatics. Her main focus are interactive and cooperative systems. 

Creativity is not a tool, but a part of the personality. How can I discover and develop my creativity in all the routines, strategic planning and quick decisions? What role does creativity play in the big and small challenges of our time. How can it be integrated into our personal shaping and decision-making processes? Is creativity dependent on social trends and fashions?

Being creative is usually the other way around: creative people develop new challenges themselves before they arise.

Prof. Henning Eichinger teaches in the textile design/fashion design degree programme and heads the master's degree programme in design, specialising in artistic conception.

Was macht einen Kunden (un)zufrieden? Prof. Schütz beschäftigt sich mit der Fragestellung, wie Kunden bestmöglich zufrieden gestellt und gebunden werden können. Das Ziel ist die Erreichung von Loyalität und einer hohen Weiterempfehlungsrate.

Im ersten Schritt geht es stets um das Verständnis der Kundenanforderungen und -wünsche. Sind diese methodisch fundiert ermittelt, werden die Produkte und Dienstleistungen bestmöglich an die Kunden angepasst. Selbstverständlich spielen Ressourcenüberlegungen dabei stets eine entscheidende Rolle.

Prof. Dr. Tobias Schütz unterrichtet an der ESB Business School. Seine Themenschwerpunkte sind:

  • Kundenzufriedenheit und Kundenbindung
  • Services Marketing
  • Sales Management
  • Kundenorientierte Vertriebs- und Serviceentwicklung
  • Marktsegmentierung

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Ritter teaches at the School of Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering and is responsible for the EPI Centre/Development Centre for Polymer Innovations.

In terms of a modern and practice-oriented education, students learn about the product development process !PEP from the idea to series production. In the plastics learning factory, the components are then manufactured thousands of times using injection moulding. The focus here is on a holistic understanding of the development process for injection moulded components. In direct cooperation with industrial companies, the students work on motivating research and development projects.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Ritter teaches at the School of Engineering. His main topics are:

  • Engineering Design/Construction
  • Polymer Engineering/Plastics Science
  • Plastic injection moulding
  • Design of injection moulded components

How can a company's corporate performance be increased holistically and sustainably? How is a high-performance culture established in companies? How do management cockpits help to increase transparency, effectiveness and efficiency in companies and company processes?

Prof. Dipl.-Kfm. Armin Roth teaches at the School of Informatics. His main topics are:

  • Corporate governance
  • Management
  • Controlling
  • Business Intelligence

Prof. Dr. Gerd Nufer teaches at the ESB Business School. His main topics are:

  • Marketing Management
  • Market research, empirical research
  • Marketing communication
  • Marketing below the line
  • Event Marketing and Management
  • Sports Marketing and Management
  • Sponsoring and Ambush Marketing
  • Relationship Marketing

Trends are becoming increasingly global and have an impact on all areas of design, product conception and marketing. The changes in design and product development, but also in the perception and evaluation of architecture, shop design, product design and fashion by consumers affect the development of colour and material concepts.

Prof. Brigitte Steffen teaches at TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles and is head of the Material & Surface Design specialisation in the Textile Design/Fashion Design degree programme.

Her main topics are:

  • Trend research
  • Surface design
  • Collection conception
  • Concept visualisation

What will the intelligent operating theatre of the future look like? To what extent will computer-assisted surgery and therapy be available in a few years' time and what international standards already prevail today?

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Oliver Burgert teaches at the School of Informatics. His main topic is computer-assisted medicine.

Kai Nebel is sustainability officer and head of the research focus on sustainability and recycling at Reutlingen University's TEXOVERSUM. His research and teaching areas include sustainable product development, recycling and circular economy, as well as renewable raw materials and textile finishing. He supports and advises companies, start-ups, organisations and associations.

In addition to sustainable product development, various projects advise medium-sized textile companies on resource and material efficiency or production techniques. As a sustainability expert, Mr Nebel is also heavily involved in the field of sustainable education and awareness-raising. He is on the board of the Association of German Textile Professionals (VDTF) and is a well-known sustainability expert for TV & radio, especially for science programmes.

Prof. Dr. techn. habil. Andreas Kandelbauer teaches at the School of Life Sciences. His main topics include:

  • Decorative laminates
  • Powder coating
  • Self-healing surfaces/functional surfaces

Prof. Dr. habil. Marc Brecht teaches at the School of Life Sciences. His main topics are:

  • Development of sensor technology for process control
  • Optical spectroscopy, microscopy (fluorescence, Raman)
  • Hyperspectral imaging in the UV, UV/Vis and NIR range
  • Optics simulations (ZEMAX)

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jochen Brune teaches at the School of Engineering. His main topics are:

  • Project Management
  • Change Management
  • Creativity and Problem Solving Techniques

Together with the students of the 6th semester of the BSc International Project Engineering course, he builds an aircraft over the course of several semesters. Following the RV-12 two-seater powered aircraft from the American manufacturer Van's Aircraft with a wingspan of more than eight metres and 36,000 individual parts, a follow-up project is already in preparation. Then a Pitts Model 12 biplane light aircraft will be built.

Prof. Dr. Karsten Rebner teaches at the Faculty of Life Sciences and heads the teaching and research centre Process Analysis & Technology.

His main topics are:

  • Industrial process analytics
  • Multivariate data analysis
  • Optical spectroscopy of solids and liquids
  • Design of Experiments & Modelling
  • Feasibility studies and field trials

What does good service look like - what are the best services in the world? Prof. Schütz deals with the question of how customers can be satisfied and retained in the best possible way. The goal is to achieve loyalty and a high recommendation rate.

The first step is always to understand customer requirements and wishes. Once these have been methodically determined, the products and services are adapted to the customers in the best possible way. Of course, resource considerations always play a decisive role.

Prof. Dr. Tobias Schütz teaches at ESB Business School. His main topics are:

  • Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty
  • Services Marketing
  • Sales Management
  • Customer-oriented sales and service development
  • Market segmentation

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Tino Zillger teaches at TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles. His main areas of interest are Smart Textiles, Functional Printing, Printed and Hybrid Electronics.

Prof. Dr. Gerd Nufer teaches at the ESB Business School. His main topics are:

  • Marketing Management
  • Market research, empirical research
  • Marketing communication
  • Marketing below the line
  • Event marketing and management
  • Sports marketing and management
  • Sponsoring and Ambush Marketing
  • Relationship marketing

Prof. Dr. techn. habil. Andreas Kandelbauer teaches at the School of Life Sciences. His main topics include:

  • Application of statistical design of experiments (DoE) in industry and research
  • Screening experiments, optimisation experiments
  • Optimisation of process parameters, definition of process windows

In times of rising electricity prices, the question of alternatives is raised. What about self-supply of electricity for German households?

Prof. Dr. Ing. Bernd Thomas teaches at the School of Engineering. His main topics are:

  • Experimental investigations of mini-cogeneration units on the CHP test bench in the laboratory.
  • Investigation of heat pumps
  • Calculation and design of Stirling machines
  • Development of thermal calculation models

Prof. Dr. techn. habil. Andreas Kandelbauer teaches at the School of Life Sciences. His main topics include:

  • Reaction calorimetry
  • Upscaling of chemical laboratory syntheses
  • Material characterisation using thermal methods (DSC, TGA, DMA, DEA)
  • Reaction kinetics based on thermal data: Optimisation of reaction conditions during curing, cross-linking of thermoset materials (coatings, binders).

"How will the world of tomorrow move? And what will be our means of transport in the future? Will our vehicle become our 3rd living space and personal assistant in the future? How can we be mobile without a driver's licence or a personal vehicle and still use our time effectively? And what role will interactive and intelligent materials play in this?"

The main topics of Prof. Andrea Lipp-Allrutz include:

  • Transportation Interior Design
  • Focus on Design - Concept and Design

Prof. Dr. rer pol. Dietmar Bönke teaches at the School of Informatics. His main subject is information systems for production, trade and services.

Prof. Dr. Gabriela Tullius teaches at the School of Informatics. Her main topic is Interactive and Cooperative Systems.

What are the consequences for economic growth and employment resulting from current technological developments? What challenges do globalisation and technological progress pose for companies? Is prosperity also possible without growth?

Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog teaches in the fields of economics and quantitative methods. His main topics are:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Foreign trade
  • Growth and business cycle theory and policy
  • Labour market and technical progress
  • Quantitative methods

Prof. Dr. Rolf J. Daxhammer teaches at ESB Business School.

His main topics are:

  • Securities prices and forecasts
  • Investor behaviour - Behavioral Finance
  • Portfolio management
  • Asset management
  • ETFs
  • Sustainable investments - Green Finance

Prof. Dr. Bodo Herzog teaches at ESB Business School. His main topics are:

  • Macroeconomics
  • Monetary and fiscal theory as well as monetary and fiscal policy
  • Quantitative economic policy
  • Mathematical financial economics
  • Neuroeconomics

GEA campus page

Once a month, the campus page appears in the Reutlinger General-Anzeiger (GEA), reporting on news, events and important facts about Reutlingen University. Enjoy the read!

Go to current issue (German only) (PDF)

University magazine camplus

Press releases

Textile Kreislaufwirtschaft stärken: Forschungsprojekt "UEBER-AUS" gestartet

Reststoffe als Ressource: Innovative Ansätze für regionale Textilkreisläufe werden an der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil erforscht

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TEXOVERSUM hinterlässt Fußabdruck in der Stadtbibliothek

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Nachhaltigkeit als Kernkompetenz der Chemieausbildung

Innovative Lehransätze an der Hochschule Reutlingen

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