Are you logged in yet?
To access some of Reutlingen University's offers and services, you are required to log in with your personal university account. Please be aware that you must activate your account before being able to log into the respective services (see button at the end of the page). The quicklinks below will take you directly to the relevant platforms, portals and tools:

- Reutlingen University Intranet
- Web E-Mail for Students, Lecturers and Guests
- Web E-Mail for Staff
- HIP (University information Portal; VPN necessary)
- HisinOne (Campusportal for applicants & students)
- RELAX (Virtual Learning Environment)
- Reutlingen University IT-wikI (VPN necessary)
- WebUNTIS (timetable & room planning)
For more information on your university account ( activating your account, forgotten password, etc.), please visit the pages of the Learning Centre. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the staff at the Service Desk.