Our Profile

Shaping the Future. Together.Diverse, practice-oriented and international: As a university, we are a place where innovation flourishes. We want to shape the future sustainably - both locally and globally.

Our university in numbers




Study programmes





Who we are

Reutlingen University - that is around 5,000 students from over 80 countries. At our six schools - ESB Business School, School of Informatics, School of Life Sciences, School of Sustainability and Technology, School of Engineering and TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles - we offer a variety of courses in more than 48 degree programmes. We aim to prepare our students for future challenges, both professionally and personally, and we are committed to shaping the future. Together. 

Our mission

  • Forward-thinking teaching and application-oriented research provide our students with relevant professional, methodical and social skills and knowledge in the areas of digitalisation, diversity, entrepreneurship, internationality and sustainability.
  • Our graduates act responsibly as professionals and managers or as founders and solve problems innovatively and sustainably. In this way, the university actively contributes to tackling global challenges.
  • Businesses and society as a whole benefit from our application-oriented research, successful knowledge and technology transfer, start-up impulses and continuing education.
  • Diversity shapes life at the university - both in our daily interactions with each other and in our interdisciplinary teaching and research.

Our distinguishing features

Our campus is constantly transforming. We live a diverse and cosmopolitan culture and offer students an international and practice-based learning environment. The most important guideline here is our defined values, and our comprehensive range of courses is geared toward students from various walks of life.

Our values

We are driven by values such as internationalism, diversity and sustainability. These principles are close to our hearts and guide our daily action.  


Research at Reutlingen University is conducted under the roof of the Reutlingen Research Institute (RRI). Application-oriented, practice-oriented and closely interlinked with teaching, it also focuses on megatrends such as AI, digitalisation and climate protection.

Quality in teaching

We guarantee our students high-quality and comprehensive teaching. To this end, we define innovative quality goals and implement measures to continuously improve them.

Kleinkind malt einen Schmetterling mit Wachsstiften ausLucas Alexander, unsplash.com ©


We believe that pursuing a degree must also be possible with children or relatives in need of care. That is why Reutlingen University is an active member of the network "Familie in der Hochschule" (Family in Higher Education).


We offer numerous measures to help you better reconcile family and career or studies:

  • Benefit from our flexible work time models.
  • Learn more about Dual Career Solutions, a network for careers in and around Stuttgart, which offers individual solutions for the challenges of dual careers.
  • Since 2018, the university has been a member of the Family in Higher Education Network and is thus committed to a family-conscious university policy with ambitious standards.
  • Whether it's a daycare centre, TigeR groups or a babysitting pool - the university offers a range of childcare options that improve the work-life balance between family and career or studies.
  • You have to work or study and your children are on school holiday? We support you with holiday childcare for children of university staff and students.
  • To help you reconcile caring for relatives with your job, you can participate in a care programme.

Where modernity meets tradition

Reutlingen University was founded as a weaving school in 1855 following an initiative by industry, the city of Reutlingen and the Kingdom of Württemberg. It has since undergone significant change and developed from a state school of engineering to a nationally renowned university of applied sciences. 

Modernity meets tradition

Founded as a weaving school in 1855 at the initiative of industrialists, the city of Reutlingen and the Kingdom of Württemberg, Reutlingen University has gradually developed from a state school of engineering to a university of applied sciences.

With our large campus, it is now one of the most renowned academic sites in Germany. Over time, it has expanded to include more and more disciplines and today offers an academic home to students of applied chemistry, business administration, computer science and technology at its five faculties.

Both then and today, the university is characterised by its internationality. Even in its early days, it was highly popular with technicians from Germany and abroad. Today, the university is home to students from more than 80 nations and has had several double degree programmes in its portfolio since the 1970s.

The university in rankings

Reutlingen University regularly succeeds in national and international ranking procedures. The consistently achieved top rankings attest to the high standard and excellent reputation of our academic education.

CHE Ranking




Other awards

CHE Ranking

CHE Ranking 2024 top positions for
  • School of informatics: degree programmes Media & Communication Informatics; Medical and Technical Informatics

What does the ranking represent? 
The CHE University Ranking is the most comprehensive and detailed ranking in German-speaking countries. It has been evaluating universities and their study programs since 1998. It includes facts about studying, teaching, facilities and research, students' assessments of study conditions at their university and, in certain subjects, the reputation of departments among professors.  In addition to the comparative criteria, prospective students have access to a wealth of descriptive features on studying and teaching. The subjects are evaluated in a three-year cycle, i.e. one third of the subjects are re-evaluated each year. The current results are published online and in the ZEIT Study Guide.


Ranking WirtschaftsWoche 2024
  • Business Economics - ESB Business School 2nd place (nationwide)
  • Informatics - School of informatics Top 10 (nationwide)
What does the ranking represent? 

For the Wirtschaftswoche university ranking, the HR service provider Universum Global interviews 650 HR managers from companies with ten to thousands of employees every year. The respondents indicate the universities from which they prefer to recruit employees - and the criteria they look for. The university ranking is subdivided into the following fields of study: business administration, economics, industrial engineering, business informatics, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer science, law and natural sciences. Universities and universities of applied sciences are considered separately.

Current rankings of Reutlingen University
YearTop ranked in 

the group of medium-sized universities with 5,000-15,000 students (6th place)

What does the ranking represent? 

The Stifterverband's "Gründungsradar" (Start-up Radar) compares university profiles in the promotion of start-ups at German universities. In 2020, for the fifth time, the Gründungsradar examined and compared the efforts universities were making to strengthen their start-up culture. Various dimensions were covered: start-up awareness, qualification and support, as well as institutional anchoring. It also examined start-up activities, i.e. the output of start-up support, networking, monitoring and evaluation activities in this area.

reutlingen university results


StudyCheck Award 2025

Most popular university (2nd place nationwide)
Category Award (1st place nationwide)

What does the ranking represent? 

With over 600,000 users per month, StudyCheck is the largest German-language evaluation portal in the higher education sector. More than 200,000 testimonials serve as an important decision-making aid for prospective students when choosing a course of study.
Reutlingen University on StudyCheck

Other awards


In 2021, the computer magazine CHIP awarded Reutlingen University the title of "CHIP Digital Innovator" for patent applications in the field of digital transformation. This puts Reutlingen University in the top 20 of the most innovative academic institutions across Germany!


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