Information for Prospective Students

Shaping the Future. Together.As one of the most renowned universities of applied sciences in Germany, we offer our students an academic education at the highest level. Together we are constantly developing - for a respectful and sustainable tomorrow.

our study programmes

Become part of Reutlingen University
Learn more & apply now!

Here's Why!

Why Reutlingen?
Studierende hören aufmerksam ihrem Professor zu und haben Spaß im Seminar.

Our profile

Diverse, practice-oriented, international: as a university, we see ourselves as a motor for innovation. We want to shape the future sustainably - both locally and globally. To this end, we constantly invest in the advancement of teaching and research. An investment that is rewarded with top rankings, strong (business) cooperations and the great appreciation of our graduates among renowned global players.

Professor und eine Gruppe Studierender unterhalten sich im Nählabor.

Our motivation

Reutlingen University is synonymous with high-quality and practice-oriented teaching. Beyond that, however, there is a whole range of social, economic and scientific topics that move us - from technology transfer and climate sensitivity, to sustainable product development, internationality and diversity. There is a lot to discover on and around the campus!

Studierende sitzen entspannt im Gras vor Gebäude 3 und genießen die Abendsonne.

Student life

In addition to seminars, tutorials and internships, student life has a lot to offer. Be it university sports, big band or student council party - campus life is colourful, loud and rarely boring. And if it all gets too much, there are plenty of opportunities to relax in nature on the edge of the Swabian Alb or at events in and around the state capital Stuttgart.

Zwei Studierende sitzen bei sonnigem Wetter im Freilufthörsaal und unterhalten sich

Activities & offers during the semester

In addition to study-related services, Reutlingen University offers students a range of programmes on current issues in business, research, politics and culture. The programme is a colourful mix: from language courses, interdisciplinary lectures, creative workshops and makerspaces to ecological continuing education and social events, we have it all.

Order your free brochure now!

Well informed from the outset

Information & support

Drop by

Are you interested in pursuing a university degree or are you looking for the right degree programme? We offer prospective students a variety of formats to help them choose the right course for them. Whether it's a sewing workshop, a robotics lab or the "OP der Zukunft" (operating theatre of the future). The university is worth a visit!

Studierende laufen von hinten gesehen aus Gebäude 3 Richtung Sitzecke mit Sonnenschirmen

Central Study Advisory Service

The Central Study Advisory Service (ZSB) assists with your individual questions about choosing and studying a degree programme. Our staff work independently, confidentially, need- and solutions-oriented, and provide you with the best possible support - online, by phone and in person.

To find out how the application process actually works and what you need to consider, click here.

Unsure about the requirements for your degree programme of choice? Everything you need to know is summarised here.


BAföG, job, scholarship? Find out about the various options for financing your studies.

Hall of residence, flat or communal living? Reutlingen has the right home for you, so make sure you get informed early on.

New programme for international students at Reutlingen University
Preparatory semester getstaRTed

Semester dates



Semester Dates at ESB Business School 
More about the Semester organisation

Summer semester 2025

Registration period for summer semester 202513.1. – 31.1.2025
Start of lectures10.3.2025
Public holidays22.4. – 25.04.2025 (Easter holidays)
10. – 13.6.2025
Exam registration5. – 12.5.2025
End of lectures4.7.2025
Exam period7. – 16.7.2025

My Campus - Your Canpus


Die GEA-Campusseite März

Im Reutlinger General-Anzeiger ist die neue Campusseite erschienen.

Read more

Optimale Förderung bei Gründungsaktivitäten

Zwei aktuelle Rankings zeigen, dass die Hochschule Reutlingen eine starke Unterstützung für Gründungsinteressierte bietet

Read more

Wissen, Austausch, Zukunftschancen: Frühjahrsschule 2025 bringt Nachwuchstalente an der Hochschule Reutlingen zusammen

Read more

Stipendieninfoabend SoSe 25

NXT nAIght

A night dedicated to Artificial Intelligence.

Graduierungsfeier WiSe 2024/25

Frontansicht des Haupteingangs zu Gebäude 3 an einem sonnigen Tag.
Further questions?

You can apply right away! Our staff at the StudentServiceCentre is happy to advise you on any organisational questions regarding your studies.

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