Student Finances

How much will it cost to study in Reutlingen, and how can I finance my studies? Here we provide answers to the most frequently asked questions on funding, fees and fellowships. 

1. What fees will I have to pay?

Semester fee

In order to enrol at Reutlingen University, a fee of 199.30€ is due each semester. Additional tuition fees are charged for the following degree programmes:

More about the semester fee

The semester fee is due every semester irrespective of whether students are in practical training, on study leave abroad or have applied for a free semester ("Urlaubssemester"). The semester fee includes: 

  1. Contribution to the "Studierendenwerk": With the semester fee (currently 104,80€), students co-finance the social services of the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim (e.g. refectories, cafeterias, halls of residence, day-care centres, counselling services). The amount of the contribution depends on the services offered by the Studierendenwerk at the various locations.
  2. Contribution to administrative costs: The contribution to administrative costs of 80€ is levied in accordance with the State Higher Education Fees Act (LHGebG) for public services provided by the university. These include, above all, services in connection with enrolment, exmatriculation, leave of absence and the Central Student Advisory Service.
  3. Contribution for "STUPA": The contribution for the STUPA is 14.50 € and directly benefits the students of Reutlingen University. The STUPA represents student interests and uses the fee to pay, among others, for the following expenses: student events, departmental work (sports, culture, communication), administrative work.

You can find more information on the subject of fees in the Statutes on the Collection of Fees.

Tuition fees for a second degree

For a second degree, students who study in Baden-Württemberg are required to pay an additional tuition fee of 650€ each semester. A second degree is defined as a second or further Bachelor's or Master's degree following a previously acquired degree of higher education (or equivalent) in Germany. In certain instances, students may be exempt from the fee. 

Exceptions to the obligation to pay fees

Students in a second degree programme can be exempted from the obligation to pay fees if:

  • ... they take leave of absence for one or more semesters
  • ... they complete a practical semester
  • ... you can prove that you have a disability within the meaning of § 2 of the Ninth Book of the German Social Security Code (Sozialgesetzbuch) that makes studying considerably more difficult.

If one of these points applies to you, please complete the application below and send it to us with the relevant documents in good time before the start of the lecture period.

International students

International students, i.e. nationals from non-EU or EEA countries, who study in Baden-Würrtemberg are required to pay a tuition fee of 1,500€ per semester. This fee is to be paid in addition to the general semester fee (see above). In some cases, however, international students can apply for an exemption from the fee. 

Exemptions & info on exemption from the obligation to pay fees


The following are exempt from the obligation to pay fees

    These include:

    • International students who are enrolled at a partner university and study in Reutlingen for 1-2 semesters within the framework of an exchange agreement without obtaining a degree (e.g. Erasmus).
    • International students who are enrolled at a partner university and complete a compulsory stay in Reutlingen within the framework of a cooperation agreement that leads to a degree at at least one of the two universities (e.g. IMX, EMS degree programmes).

    The following count as a higher education entrance qualification

    • the general or subject-linked higher education entrance qualification, as well as the entrance qualification for studies at universities of applied sciences (Fachhochschulreife)
    • a school qualification and a delta examination for the acquisition of the general higher education entrance qualification, provided that the underlying subject-linked higher education entrance qualification or advanced technical college entrance qualification was acquired in Germany,
    • a recognised advanced vocational training examination, provided the advanced vocational training examination was taken in Germany
    • a vocational qualification and an aptitude test, insofar as the prerequisite vocational training and experience were completed in Germany,
    • further domestic previous training which has been recognised by the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs

    These include:

    • Family members, i.e. spouses or partners and children, of EU or EEA nationals who are entitled to freedom of movement under EU law.
    • Persons with a settlement permit or permanent residence permit
    • Persons with habitual residence in Germany who are refugees outside the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany.
    • Homeless foreigners
    • Persons with a specific residence permit and permanent residence in Germany
    • Persons who have a specific residence permit in Germany as the spouse, partner or child of a foreigner with a settlement permit.
    • Persons who have a specific residence permit as the spouse, partner or child of a foreigner with a residence permit and who have been staying in Germany legally, permitted or tolerated for at least 15 months without interruption.
    • Tolerated foreigners with permanent residence in Germany who have been residing in Germany for at least 15 months without interruption on a legal, authorised or tolerated basis.
    • Persons who have resided in Germany for a total of 5 years and have worked legally.
    • Persons of whom at least one parent has resided and worked legally in Germany for a total of 3 years during the last 6 years prior to commencing their studies.
    • Persons who have completed a Bachelor's and a Master's degree programme or a state examination or diploma degree programme in Germany

    Do you belong to one of these groups? Then send us the completed information form with the relevant documents in good time before enrolment or re-registration.

    International students are exempt on application:

    • during a leave of absence
    • during a practical semester
    • with a residence permit according to § 55 Para. 1 Asylum Act (AsylG), who have a nationality from the countries of origin Eritrea, Syria, Somalia, Afghanistan and Jemen
    • with a disability that makes studying considerably more difficult within the meaning of § 2 of the Ninth Book of the German Social Code (Sozialgesetzbuch)
    • in the case of special talent according to § 6 Para. 4 and 5 of the State Higher Education Fees Act (LHGebG).

    If one of these points applies to you, please send us the completed application for exemption before the start of the lecture period. When applying for exemption on the basis of special talent, the application must be submitted by 15.09 of the year at the latest for the winter semester and by 01.03 of the year for the summer semester.

    2. Which other costs can I expect?

    According to the DSW's Social Survey, students who do not live with their parents need - depending on their standard of living and place of study - an average of 864€ per month. This includes:

    • Rent & utilities (electricity, water, heating, rubbish removal fees)
    • Food & clothing
    • Local transport & travel home
    • Insurance (e.g. health insurance)
    • Telephone, internet, radio & television fees
    • Other expenses & pocket money

    3. What options do I have for financing my studies?

    There are many ways to finance your studies. You can find some examples here: 

    Part-time jobs

    The most common way of earning some extra money during your studies is a part-time job. There are various options, ranging from student/part-time to mini- or temporary jobs, which can be quite flexible depending on the area and field of work.

    Jobportal & Career Services



    As a student or research assistant - "Hiwi" for short - you support the university's operations. The tasks are very diverse: from helping to prepare and carry out teaching and research, to supporting the evaluation of project data and contributing to social media posts, everything is possible!

    the university as employer


    "Werkstudentenjobs" (working student jobs)

    As a working student, you earn money and gain (study-)relevant practical experience during the lecture period. This makes working student jobs a popular alternative to temporary jobs or voluntary internships. Those who attract positive attention often have good chances of remaining in the company after graduation. A working student job can therefore set the course for a later career and be a career springboard.

    Jobportal & Career Services

    Good to know

    No matter what job you decide on, inform yourself in advance about the applicable working time regulations and income limits for students in order to avoid disadvantages in terms of insurance contribution or payment of benefits (e.g. BAföG)!

    There are numerous scholarships at Reutlingen University that support you in financing your studies abroad and help you realise your dream of spending a semester abroad. The state, the federal government and some private foundations also offer funding opportunities. Good grades are not always the only decisive factor - commitment and motivation are also important!

    More Information

    An important pillar for financing studies is the granting of benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act - BAföG for short. If your own income or the assets of your parents are not sufficient to cover the costs of your studies, students can finance these partially or completely with BAföG.

    More Information

    The federal education loan provides targeted support for students in advanced phases of their education through a simple, low-interest loan. The loan is flexible, can be adapted to individual needs and is independent of BaFÖG, your own income or your parents' assets. Let the staff of the Studierendenwerk advise you!

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    For some years now, the "Bildungsfonds" initiative has been offering student funding that is independent of banks. Repayment is not made in fixed instalments, but instead is based on an agreed share of the subsequent first gross salary.
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    Study support

    Since 2007, Deutsche Bildung has supported students of all disciplines with up to 30,000€ to help them cope with their living expenses, tuition fees or the implementation of a stay abroad. As part of the content-based funding programme WissenPlus, funded students also take part in various measures for a successful period of study and successful career entry (e.g. stress management training, job application counselling). The repayment of the study grant is made proportionally to the income after starting work, with the advantage that there is no risk of over-indebtedness.

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    Student loans

    Regardless of the parents' income, banks offer loans specifically designed for students. The loan is intended to fully cover living expenses during a course of study with monthly amounts ranging from 100€-650€. In general, the disbursement period is set at 14 semesters. At present, the state-owned Kfw-Förderbank provides a nationwide loan programme for students. The Studierendenwerk is a partner of the KfW and will support you on site.

    More Information

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