For Students

Lecture schedules, study certificates, exam registrations or semester re-registration - there is a lot to organize over the course of a semester. Here is an overview of the most important information. 

Platforms, portals & tools


Once enrolled at the university, students receive access to e-learning platforms, content and tools relevant to their studies. In order to use these, you must activate your university account at the beginning of your studies. You will receive a user name and choose a personal password, which serve as login data for RELAX, HIP, HISinOne and the Intranet, as well as :

  • the university's myCampus (Wifi)
  • the university's VPN (Virtual Private Network) for access from off campus
  • your university e-mail address

activate account ask for help


HISinOne is the application and student portal of Reutlingen University. There you will find features for application and study administration (e.g. enrolment certificates, info on pending fees, personal contact details).

Exam administration for the majority of degree programmes is done via the Higher Education Information Portal (HIP). There you can register for and deregister from exams, retrieve transcripts of records or print your grades.

On the RELAX learning platform you will find digital teaching materials, current information on your courses and can exchange information with lecturers and fellow students.

WebUntis allows you to check your timetable and find important information on room reservations.

The intranet is the central place for all university members. There you will find in-depth information, downloads and documents relating to your studies (e.g. exams, leave of absence, exmatriculation).

The IT Wiki of the Computer and Media Centre (RMZ) provides an overview of the most important IT and media services at the university.

Semester dates



Semester Dates at ESB Business School 
More about the Semester organisation

Summer semester 2025

Registration period for summer semester 202513.1. – 31.1.2025
Start of lectures10.3.2025
Public holidays22.4. – 25.04.2025 (Easter holidays)
10. – 13.6.2025
Exam registration5. – 12.5.2025
End of lectures4.7.2025
Exam period7. – 16.7.2025

My Campus - Your Campus

Questions about your study and exam regulations?
Here's an overview of all our study and exam regulations


Die GEA-Campusseite März

Im Reutlinger General-Anzeiger ist die neue Campusseite erschienen.

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Optimale Förderung bei Gründungsaktivitäten

Zwei aktuelle Rankings zeigen, dass die Hochschule Reutlingen eine starke Unterstützung für Gründungsinteressierte bietet

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Wissen, Austausch, Zukunftschancen: Frühjahrsschule 2025 bringt Nachwuchstalente an der Hochschule Reutlingen zusammen

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Stipendieninfoabend SoSe 25

NXT nAIght

A night dedicated to Artificial Intelligence.

Graduierungsfeier WiSe 2024/25

Extracurricular courses

In addition to study-related services, Reutlingen University offers students a range of varied programmes on current issues in business, research, politics and culture. The programme is a colourful mix that includes language courses, an interdisciplinary lecture series, creative workshops, ecological continuing education, social events and much more. 

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Key facilities & services

Our central facilities offer students everything they need to succeed in their studies and make the most of their time on campus.

Studierende laufen von hinten gesehen aus Gebäude 3 Richtung Sitzecke mit Sonnenschirmen


The StudentServiceCenter is the first point of contact for prospective students, applicants, students and alumni seeking advice on any organisational issues regarding their studies. For in-depth advice and counselling, see the Central Study Advisory Service (ZSB)

Eine Gruppe ESB-Studierender hört aufmerksam ihrer Dozentin zu

Central Study Advisory Service

The Central Study Advisory Service (ZSB) assists students throughout their studies and offers numerous orientation aids as well as individual counselling sessions on topics such as study organisation, motivation, exam preparation, stress, private challenges, etc.

Studierende sitzen in einem Arbeitsraum und diskutieren

Learning Centre

The Learning Centre has everything a modern university library needs. Here you will find various research tools, IT and media services, bright workspaces, training courses and a café area for a little break in between classes.

Studierende unterhalten sich lachend während sie einen Gang entlang laufen

Center for Entrepreneurship

The Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE) offers creative minds, start-up fans and all those interested in business projects a space to realise their own ideas, participate in workshops or networking events and join maker spaces.


Stuwe ©


The Studierendenwerk (StuWe) caters to the social, cultural and economic needs of students. It runs refectories and halls of residence and offers advice on all aspects of life including childcare, financial aids, psychological and legal support.

Verschiedene bunte Fahnen der Hochschule Reutlingen begrüßen Besucher am Campus

RIO (Reutlingen International Office)

With its three departments, the International Office (AAA), the Institute for Foreign Languages (IfF) and the International Programmes (IP), the RIO is a central institution at the university and a point of contact for the entire range of international services.

Foreign Languages

Fancy foreign languages? Refresh your existing language skills or learn a new language. Prepare yourself linguistically for an internship or study abroad and improve your career and job opportunities. With us you can choose between 10 different languages.

Foreign languages

Welcome to our English courses! We offer specialist language courses, refresher courses, business English and much more from level B1.

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¡Bienvenidos! We offer Spanish courses at a range of levels for beginners and intermediate learners.

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اهلا وسهلا Our courses teach you the basics of the Arabic language. You can reach level A1 in two semesters.

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欢迎! Our Chinese courses offer an insight into one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. You will learn key Chinese characters and basic conversation.

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ようこそ!In this course on level A1.1 you will learn key Japanese characters and simple conversation.

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Bem-vindos à área de Português! Learn basic Portuguese in two semesters.

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Benvenuti a Italiano! We offer Italian courses at levels A1 and A2.

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환영합니다! Our A1 level courses offer an introduction to the Korean language - a stepping stone into the world of K-pop and K-dramas.

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Здравствуйте! Learn the basics of Russian and basic conversation in our introductory courses at level A1.

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Bienvenue à tous! Welcome to our French courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners.

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Välkomna in our introductory Swedish course at level A1!

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You can find more information about our courses on the intranet. Registration is possible via RELAX/studierenplus.

Course Overview


The spice for your studies! The studierenplus programme at Reutlingen University offers all students the opportunity to acquire interdisciplinary skills in numerous courses, workshops and seminars. Registration for the courses takes place via the RELAX learning platform and is possible from the start of lectures.

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Campus Shop

The Campus Shop offers Reutlingen University merch with the official university and faculty logos. The selection ranges from shirts, jumpers, hoodies and jute bags to mugs, caps and hats with HSRT branding. The shop is provided by the Friends of Campus Reutlingen e. V.


visit the shop

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