Management, Committees & Administration

President’s Office

The university is headed by the Presidential Board with a President, two Vice-Presidents and a Chancellor, the head of the administration. According to the Higher Education Act, the President represents the university and is the chairman of the Senate. He is elected for seven years, the vice-presidents - on the proposal of the president - for three years.

President of Reutlingen University

[Translate to English:]

Assistant to the President of Reutlingen University

Vice-President for Studies, Teaching, Continuing Education

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Vice-President for Studies, Teaching, Continuing Education

Professor at ESB Business School

Director of Administration

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Assistant to the Director of Administration

Speaker of the President's Office

University Executive

For important core topics, the Executive Board also appoints Executive Board representatives from among the experts. These are:

InternationalityHon. Prof. Baldur Veit
Communications and marketingDr. Hjördis Kettenbach
Sustainabilty and climate protectionProf. Dr. Sabine Löbbe
Organisational development and HRDProf. Johanna Bath
Entrepreneurship + TransferProf. Dr. David Feierabend


The two important bodies at the university are the University Advisory Board and the Senate.

University Advisory Board

The University Advisory Board is responsible for the development and competitiveness of the University. Moreover, it supervises the management of the President’s Office and deals with further matters concerning its own management, such as the election of the President or decisions about its structure and development plan.

Axel Breitling

Member of the Management Board/CFO of Basalt AG
Prof. Dr. Isabel Burghardt (Deputy Chairwoman)Professorin an der Fakultät Life Sciences
Christian O. Erbe (Chairman)President IHK Reutlingen, Managing Partner ERBE Elektromedizin GmbH
Andreas HaffnerMember of the Executive Board – Human Resources, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, Stuttgart
Dr. Katharina Hartl

CFO, Executive Vice President, Robert Bosch Power Tools GmbH

Prof. Dr. Stephan Höfer

Reutlingen University - ESB Business School

Anke KanterReutlingen University - Deputy head Budget and Finances
Dr. Gernot LenzCEO, Managing Director TOM TAILOR Holding SE
Prof. Dr. Kerstin ReichReutlingen University – School of Engineering
Christine Rupp (Deputy Chairwoman)General Manager IBM Deutschland GmbH
Prof. Dr. Katja Schenke-LaylandDirector NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen ; Professor of Medical Technology and Regenerative Medicine at the University of Tübingen
Prof. Dr. Malte WesselsReutlingen University – TEXOVERSUM


The Senate is the elected University parliament which has the final say on, or must agree to, a range of different matters. It makes decisions concerning research, development plans, teaching and education and advanced training. The election of members to the University Management Team must also be approved by Senate.

Members in office with voting rights

President`s Office
President Prof. Dr. Hendrik Brumme
Director of Administration Alexander Leisner

Equal Opportunities Officer
Prof. Dr. Katrin Reblinsky

Elected members (for 4 years)

Academic staff
Prof. Dr. Cristóbal Curio
Prof. Dr. Hans-Martin Beyer
Prof. Dr. Christoph Binder
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Manuchehr Parvizinia
Prof. Dr. Jochen Strähle
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Annika Heuser
Prof. Dr. Ralph Lehnert
Prof. Dr. Jörg Naeve
Prof. Dr. Karsten Rebner
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gernot Schullerus
Prof. Dr. Rer. Pol. Josef Schürle

Non-academic staff
Dr. Katharina Ebrecht
Susanne Sinn-Bisinger
Baldur Veit

Students (for 1 year)
Luis Meyer
Tiphaine Reynaud
Clara Schweiker
Quentin Walz

Members in office with advisory vote

President`s Office
Vice President Prof. Dr. Arjan Kozica
Vice President Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Thomas

Prof. Dr. Ing. Oliver Burgert

Prof. Dr. Markus Conrads

Honorary Senators

Dipl.-Ing. Frank Goltermann
Andreas Kurtz
Dr. jur. Wolfgang Malchow
Andreas Renschler
Dr. Wolfgang Sannwald
Prof. Dr. Hans Jörg Tümmers

Ethics and SustainabilityProf. Dr. Maud Helene Schmiedeknecht
CultureProf. Dr. Benjamin Himpel
Coordinator of Grants and AwardsProf. Dr. Hans-Martin Beyer
Excellence in EducationProf. Dr. Manfred Estler
Sicherung guter wissenschaftlicher Praxis
Commission for Investigation of
Accusations of Scientific Malpractice

Prof. Dr. Antje Brüsch
Prof. Dr. Thorsten Textor
Prof. Dr. Christian Thies

LiaisonProf. Dr. Daniela Almeida Streitwieser
Prof. Dr. Jörg Naeve
Office of the Committee "Ombudsman"

Ombudsman for Sciences


The University administration is responsible for the smooth running of all processes within the University. The budget and finances, matters concerning study and students, human resources as well as legal affairs and organisation – all these are in the hands of the University administration.


Director of Administration

Director of Administration Alexander Leisner
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1010

Deputy Director of Administration Markus Dammler
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1077

Budget and FinancesPeter Bihler
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1040
Human ResourcesJochen Wurz
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1020
Student AdministrationRobert Linzenbold
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1060
Legal Affairs and Organisation

Markus Dammler
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1077

Facility managementKlaus Romer
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1200

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