Advice for Students with Health Impairments

At universities, accessibility is guaranteed, for example, on the premises, in teaching and in communication. By means of disadvantage compensation, individual arrangements and measures can be made for those/wherever this accessibility is not guaranteed or cannot be guaranteed.

Prospective students and students whose ability to study is affected by a disability or chronic illness can trustingly turn to the representative for students with health impairments for advice on the subject of compensation for disadvantages.


Advisory service

  • Support in planning and organising your studies
  • Support with the application process (application for compensatory measures)
  • Assistance in finding study assistance, purchasing technical aids, etc.
  • Providing further information material


Important information on the compensation for disadvantages 

  • You can apply for compensation for disadvantages at Reutlingen University.
  • Please submit your application to the representative for students with health impairments.
  • In case of disadvantage compensation for examinations, the application must be submitted to the chairperson of the examination board at least one week prior to the exam date.
  • The application should explain in writing, together with the relevant evidence, how the disability or illness affects your present study and exam situation and what measures could compensate for the difficulties described.
  • Students will receive a written response to the request for compensation.
  • If the application is granted, it is valid for one semester and must be resubmitted for the next semester if required.


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Representative for students with health impairments