
You can easily apply online to study at Reutlingen University. On this page, you can find important information about the application process, admission requirements and how to enrol.

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How the application works

You can apply for our degree programmes very easily using the online application portal. All you need are a few personal details and digital copies of your documents (e.g. university entrance qualification). Find out in advance about the admission requirements and deadlines for your chosen degree programme so that you don't miss any important deadlines.

Dates & deadlines

General application deadlines

The application deadlines for admission-restricted degree programmes and for admission-free Bachelor's degree programmes are usually:

  • 15 January (23:59) for applications for the summer semester
  • 15 July (23:59) for applications for the winter semester
  • After 15 January or 15 July, direct enrolment for degree programmes without admission is possible until 28 February or 31 August!

Deviating deadlines

Different regulations apply for certain degree programmes. Please inform yourself in advance about the corresponding deadlines. For the admission-free consecutive Master's and MBA degree programmes, you also do not need to submit an application for admission, but can enrol (register) directly via the application portal.

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Requirements, admission & enrolment

Good to know
Eine Gruppe Studierender lernt mit Notebooks und Notizen in einem Arbeitsraum mit Whiteboard und blauem Bildschirm

Admission Requirements

In order to be admitted to university, prospective students must fulfil certain requirements, which may vary depending on their school qualification, country of origin, etc. Hence, please make sure you acquaint yourself with the admission regulations for your respective degree programme early on.


Enrolment (matriculation) at Reutlingen University is the prerequisite for a proper course of study. Upon enrolment, you become a student, i.e. member of our university meaning you will be allowed to attend courses, take exams and are given access to university services, tools and learning portals.

Frequently asked questions

Certain degree programmes are subject to admission restrictions. This means that only a certain number of places are available for these degree programmes.

There are no fixed admission numbers for degree programmes with open admission or no admission restrictions. All applicants who meet the admission and enrolment requirements will be granted a place if they apply in due form and time.

You may submit a maximum of 3 applications in total. In the case of a second degree programme, only one application may be submitted.

In preparationThe application is saved in the university's application portal, but the application has not yet been submitted by the applicant. The application is not yet eligible to take part in the admission process.
Received onlineThe application has been submitted to the university in electronic form. The application is not yet eligible for admission and must still be processed by the Admissions Office. 
ValidThe application has been processed by the university and can therefore take part in the admissions process. 
Excluded for the time beingIf vital information or documents are missing or incorrect, the application will temporarily be excluded from the admissions process. The missing/incomplete documents will be listed in the portal but a more detailed explanation may also be given. If the documents are not submitted by the respective application deadline, the application will be excluded and will not take part in the admission process. 
ExcludedThe application does not meet the time, formal and/or content requirements of the university and  will not take part in the admission process. The subsequent rejection letters (only for Bachelor's degree programmes) are always issued by Hochschulstart. For Master's degree programmes, the rejection letters are prepared and sent out by the university. 
OutgoingThe application will not take part in the admission process if an applicant has accepted another offer, a higher-priority offer is available, or the applicant has requested a deferral for another application.

In most cases, you can find out about possible admission in the applicant portal about a week after the application deadline. In some degree programmes, this is delayed by another 1-2 weeks due to special selection procedures.

We are happy to help!


The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) and the StudentServiceCenter provide support and student advise services on study related questions. For further information on your specific degree programme, you may also contact the study advisor(s) at your school.


Study advisors in our schools

If you have any questions about the organisation of your studies, study modules or examinations, you can always contact the study advisor(s) at your school as well as the "Studiensekretariate" (student offices). Please visit your respective school for further contact information:

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