Equality and Equal Opportunities

Equal Opportunities Representative

The Equal Opportunities Representative, her deputy as well as her assistant are involved in the implementation of equal opportunities for women and men as required by the constitution. They are committed to the elimination of existing disadvantages for female university staff as well as female students. The following individuals are currently in office:


Prof. Dr. Katrin ReblinskyEqual Opportunities Representative

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2056
Room: 4-310

Prof. Dr. Barbara Priwitzer

1st Deputy 

Tel.: +49 7121 271 7143
Room: 4-107

Prof. Ph.D. Yoany Beldarrain

2nd Deputy, Division Diversity

Tel.: +49 7121 271 3101
Room: 5-114

Anik Asshoff

Equality, Diversity & Family Services Representative

Tel.: +49 7121 271 1116
Room: 12-020

Dr. Louisa Söllner

Equality, Diversity & Family Services Representative

Tel.: +49 7121 271 1085
Room: 12-020

Equal Opportunities Commission

The Equal Opportunities Commission supports the work of the Equal Opportunities Representatives by providing impulses from our five schools and the administration. The members of the commission act as contact persons for gender equality issues and in cases of discrimination and sexual harassment in their respective departments:


Prof. Dr. Johanna Bath

ESB Business School

Tel.: +49 7121 271 5028
Room: 17-014

Karin Bukenberger


Tel.: +49 7121 271 1007
Room: 3-216

Dr. Katharina Ebrecht

University library

Tel.: +49 7121 271 1350
 Room: 3-018

Prof. Dr. Petra Groß-Kosche

Life Sciences

Tel.: +49 7121 271 2021
Room: 2-216

Prof. Dr. Christian Kücherer


Tel.: +49 7121 271 4008
Room: 9-126

Irene Merdian


Tel.: +49 7121 271 4064
Room:  9-222

Prof. Dr. Katerina Rose

TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles

Tel.: +49 7121 271 8082
Room: 1-036A

Prof. Dr. Gernot Schullerus


Tel.: +49 7121 271 7045
Room: 4-112

Ellen OeyanStudent member 

Equal Opportunities Representative


As Equal Opportunities Representative ("Beauftragte für Chancengleichheit", BfC) and Deputy BfC, we represent the interests of non-academic staff and advise on all matters relating to equal opportunities.
We would like to assist in:

  • Promoting women at the university
  • Improving the conditions for balancing work and family life
  • Creating suitable further education and training.

We are also involved in recruitment procedures and promotions. Please contact us if you would like us to be present at the interview.
The university's equal opportunities plan is developed jointly with the equal opportunities officers and the equality officers.

We are a member of the working group of the Equal Opportunities Representatives of the Universities of Education, Universities of Applied Sciences and the Dual University in Baden-Württemberg.


All enquiries are treated confidentially; please feel free to make an appointment directly or by email.

Equal Opportunities Officer

With the "Law for the Realisation of Equal Opportunities for Women and Men in the Public Service in Baden-Württemberg", the state government wants to specifically promote the professional advancement of women in the administration and improve employees' work-life balance. The goal is to achieve real equality between women and men in the public service and, in particular, to bring more women into management positions.

The Equal Opportunities Officer ("Beauftragte für Chancengleichheit", BfC) and her deputy monitor the implementation of and compliance with the Equal Opportunities Act and support the head of department in its implementation. They are involved in recruitment processes and have the right to participate in all application and staff selection interviews. They are not bound by instructions, and the term of office is 5 years.


[Translate to English:]

Deputy Equal Opportunities Representative