Studierende arbeiten mit ihren Sitznachbarn in Gruppenarbeit
Studierende arbeiten mit ihren Sitznachbarn in Gruppenarbeit

Information for First Semester Students

With your studies, a new and exciting phase of life begins. To make it easier for you to enter university, we have compiled the most important information for you here.
Welcome to Reutlingen University.
It's a pleasure to have you! 

Platforms, portals & tools


Once enrolled at the university, students receive access to e-learning platforms, content and tools relevant to their studies. In order to use these, you must activate your university account at the beginning of your studies. You will receive a user name and choose a personal password, which serve as login data for RELAX, HIP, HISinOne and the Intranet, as well as :

  • the university's myCampus (Wifi)
  • the university's VPN (Virtual Private Network) for access from off campus
  • your university e-mail address

activate account ask for help


HISinOne is the application and student portal of Reutlingen University. There you will find features for application and study administration (e.g. enrolment certificates, info on pending fees, personal contact details).

Microsoft Teams is a platform developed by Microsoft, which combines chat, meetings, notes and attachments. This service is integrated into the Microsoft 365 Suite with Microsoft Office.

On the RELAX learning platform you will find digital teaching materials, current information on your courses and can exchange information with lecturers and fellow students.

WebUntis allows you to check your timetable and find important information on room reservations.

The intranet is the central place for all university members. There you will find in-depth information, downloads and documents relating to your studies (e.g. exams, leave of absence, exmatriculation).

The IT Wiki of the Computer and Media Centre (RMZ) provides an overview of the most important IT and media services at the university.


Die GEA-Campusseite Dezember

Im Reutlinger General-Anzeiger ist die neue Campusseite erschienen.

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Blues und Swing zur Weihnachtszeit

Die Big Band der Hochschule Reutlingen gestaltete zum zweiten Mal das Weihnachtskonzert

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Textile Kreislaufwirtschaft stärken: Forschungsprojekt "UEBER-AUS" gestartet

Reststoffe als Ressource: Innovative Ansätze für regionale Textilkreisläufe werden an der TEXOVERSUM Fakultät Textil erforscht

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NXT nAIght

A night dedicated to Artificial Intelligence.

Graduierungsfeier WiSe 2024/25

Teaching Innovation Day

Key facilities & services

Our central facilities offer students everything they need to succeed in their studies and make the most of their time on campus.

Studierende laufen von hinten gesehen aus Gebäude 3 Richtung Sitzecke mit Sonnenschirmen


The StudentServiceCenter is the first point of contact for prospective students, applicants, students and alumni seeking advice on any organisational issues regarding their studies. For in-depth advice and counselling, see the Central Study Advisory Service (ZSB)

Eine Gruppe ESB-Studierender hört aufmerksam ihrer Dozentin zu

Central Study Advisory Service

The Central Study Advisory Service (ZSB) assists students throughout their studies and offers numerous orientation aids as well as individual counselling sessions on topics such as study organisation, motivation, exam preparation, stress, private challenges, etc.

Studierende sitzen in einem Arbeitsraum und diskutieren

Learning Centre

The Learning Centre has everything a modern university library needs. Here you will find various research tools, IT and media services, bright workspaces, training courses and a café area for a little break in between classes.

Semester dates



Semester Dates at ESB Business School 
More about the Semester organisation

Summer semester 2025

Registration period for summer semester 202513.1. – 31.1.2025
Start of lectures10.3.2025
Public holidays22.4. – 25.04.2025 (Easter holidays)
10. – 13.6.2025
Exam registration5. – 12.5.2025
End of lectures4.7.2025
Exam period7. – 16.7.2025


Two weeks prior to the start of the semester, the university offers preparatory staRT-weeks for (international) students. Among others, the programme includes university introduction sessions, preparatory maths, physics and chemistry courses, language courses, social events, as well as intercultural workshops for students to meet and socialize.

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Study & exam regulations

Below you can find the study and examination regulations ("StuPros") for all degree programmes at Reutlingen University. Among others, they define the curriculum, objectives and contents for each study programme and contain important information on examination deadlines and the number and form of examinations to be taken.

see all regulations

Well informed from the get go

Participate, contribute, shape

BAföG, job, scholarship? Learn more about the various possibilities for financing your studies.

It's no use to study on an empty stomach. Click here for the menu of our refectory/cafeteria!


Student hall, private flat or communal living? Reutlingen has many options, so make sure you take a look early on.

Studierende sitzen entspannt im Gras vor Gebäude 3 und genießen die Abendsonne.

Student involvement

Participating in a student initiative means making a difference on campus, getting involved in an issue, organising parties and experiencing what it means to work as a team. Every semester, students get involved in one of our student initiatives and student councils, pushing ideas forward and making new connections. You too can become part of the community!

University sports

From A for Aikido to Z for Zumba - whatever your preference, our sports programme has you covered! We offer tried-and-tested courses as well as new sports trends in order to create the most varied programme possible. The courses are opten to students and staff of Reutlingen University and in many instances free of charge. 

Ein Dirigent dirigiert das Hochschulorchester bei einem Konzert

Orchestra & BigBand

Our orchestra and BigBand are an integral part of campus culture and often provide the musical backdrop at events in and around Reutlingen. Both clubs emphasise having fun and enjoying music togehter in order to exercise skills and to meet new people. New members always welcome!

Besucher schauen beim Tag der offenen Tür den ESB Cheerleadern bei einer Performance zu


Reutlingen University hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as the Studium Generale lecture series, workshops, exhibitions, concerts, fashion shows, open days and orientation acitvities, or student parties. Stop by and enjoy the university flair, get to know us and meet new people.


+++ The university orchestra is currently on a short break +++

The Reutlingen University Orchestra meets weekly on campus to perform symphonic orchestral music together. It consists of students, lecturers and university staff.

Rehearsals take place on Tuesdays from 19:00 to 21:00. For questions and registrations, please visit our Facebook-page!


The Big Band was founded in the winter semester 2019/2020 and consists of students, teachers and university staff. It is led by Benjamin Himpel and Stephan Pitsch, two professors with many years of experience as jazz musicians (saxophone and piano respectively).

In addition to classical big band jazz, they also play soul, funk and rock. The big band performs at events on and off campus, e.g. at the Reutlingen Jazz Club Mitte. 

Rehearsals take place every fortnight from 18:00-20:00. If you are interested in joining, please contact Benjamin Himpel or Stephan Pitsch.

My Campus - Your Campus

Support & services

From learning assistance, IT support and language courses to coaching for tutors and counselling services in case of discrimination or handicap - Reutlingen University provides valuable resources, counselling services and offers to best support students at all stages of their studies.

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