Studierende sitzen entspannt auf Decken im Gras und unterhalten sich
Studierende sitzen entspannt auf Decken im Gras und unterhalten sich

Student Life

Outside of seminars, lectures and internships, choosing to study brings lots of opportunities. Student engagement, innovative events and a varied range of leisure activities characterise life on and around the Reutlingen campus.  

Participating & shaping

University sports

From A for Aikido to Z for Zumba - whatever your preference, our sports programme has you covered! We offer tried-and-tested courses as well as new sports trends in order to create the most varied programme possible. The courses are open to students and staff of Reutlingen University and in many instances free of charge. 

Karl Scheuring ©

Big Band

Our Big Band is an integral part of campus culture and often provides the musical backdrop at events in and around Reutlingen. The Big Band emphasises having fun and enjoying music together in order to exercise skills and to meet new people. New members always welcome!

Big Band

The Big Band was founded in the winter semester 2019/2020 and consists of students, teachers and university staff. It is led by Benjamin Himpel, a professor with many years of experience as a jazz musician (saxophone).

In addition to classical big band jazz, they also play soul, funk and rock. The big band performs both at events at the university and outside, e.g. at the Reutlingen Jazz Club Mitte. 

Rehearsals take place every fortnight on Mondays from 18:00-19:30. If you are interested, please contact Benjamin Himpel at any time.

Shaping the community

If you want to get actively involved in university life, meet fellow students and shape the student community, the STUPA and ASTA are right for you! Make your voice heard and help exert your influence in one of the many student councils and student initiatives in the spotlight or behind the scenes. 

visit the stupa on instagram

Help shape the university

Students at Reutlingen University have various opportunities to get involved with the university and its study conditions. Help shape the campus in one of the numerous student groups!

Campus-wide initiatives

The Student Parliament (STUPA) is the highest decision-making body of the constituted student body. It is an important body for representing the wishes, suggestions and ideas of students in all faculties. The STUPA consists of the officially elected student representatives of the university bodies. In addition to the elected representatives, many students also participate in the STUPA units.

What we do

Our STUPA meets once a month for STUPA meetings, where important issues are decided. Besides the meetings, the STUPA does a lot more. Our units organise trips and LGBTQ+ events, discuss topics such as digitalisation and campus beautification with the university, take care of university sports and many other topics.

Who we are looking for

We are looking for students who want to make a difference on campus. No matter what topic your heart beats for; with us you can bring in your ideas, make a difference and meet lots of great people. Are you interested in becoming a student representative? Then come along to our STUPA meetings! Do you want to get involved in our units? Then send us an email or just drop by our STUPA office.

Contact on site

STUPA Office, Building 5, R. U-006 (Access via building 2)

Tel.: +49 7121 271 1099


Opening hours

Mo, Tu, Th & Fr: 10:30-14:00 Uhr

We: telefonisch & per E-Mail


  • Events & Culture Unit

The Events and Culture Department regularly organises (cultural) events for students. Do you fancy paintball, Europapark, climbing, cinema or any other kind of event? Are you an organisational talent who wants to get involved in our STUPA units? Then the Event and Culture Department is the right place for you. Decide for yourself what events we have and help us organise them. If you are interested in the department or have an idea for an event, just send a short email to

  • Internationalisation Unit/ICARUS

The Internationalisation Department is committed to the integration of foreign students and the internationalisation of the university. Have you ever lived abroad and know how difficult it can be? Do you want to use the international environment at our university and make friends from all over the world? Then the Internationalisation Office is the right place for you! Organise events, think about how you can help exchange students in their everyday lives or expand our platform for international exchange. If you are interested in becoming part of the department, just send a short email to


The General Student Committee (ASTA) is the executive body and chair (executive) of the Student Parliament (STUPA) and consists of 5 members. These are always elected by the STUPA at the beginning of the winter semester, but do not have to be members of the STUPA themselves. There are 4 different offices in the ASTA. The chairperson mainly takes care of representative tasks, the financial officer looks after the finances, the secretary takes care of minutes etc. and the 2 assessors round off the ASTA.

What we do

The ASTA decides on many important things, such as the approval of project applications, and takes care of the students' cooperation with the presidium or cooperation with other organisations. Overall, the ASTA takes on a lot of responsibility, organises many great offers for students or supports initiatives on campus in their work.

Who we are looking for

We are looking for people who really want to make a difference on campus! Since there are so many possibilities for what you can do on campus, you are free to choose what you want to do. The important thing is that you are motivated and have a bit of time.

How to reach us

If you want to find out more about ASTA, want to stand for office or maybe just want to get involved on a transitional basis with an issue that is important to you, then check out our page or just drop us an email.

Student Representatives

The student council of the Faculty of Life Sciences is made up of students who want to actively participate in shaping everyday life at the university.

What we do

At the student council, we exchange ideas, plan excursions and events, deal with problems and ensure a pleasant campus life at the faculty.

Who we are looking for

We are looking for committed students who enjoy participating in campus and faculty life and helping to shape their studies.

How to reach us


The student council of the Faculty of Computer Science brings together students who want to improve life and learning in the Faculty of INF and on campus.

What we do

Participate and have your say. Sometimes just having fun. Regular meetings, drinks on offer, study, film and games evenings, events and mischief, freshers' weekend, pub crawl, student council weekends.

Who we are looking for

Anyone who has ideas and energy for improving life and learning in the faculty and on campus and enjoys networking across semesters.

How to reach us

Building 9, R. U-09

RELAX ID: 5215 , INF.Fachschaft


The ESB Business School Student Network is made up of the student representatives of the individual degree programmes at ESB. There are many different tasks in each student council: From organising parties to marketing to improving the general atmosphere at the university. If you would like to get involved, please contact the student council of your degree programme directly!

The Fachschaft Technik consists of fellow students from the Faculty of Technology. We welcome anyone who wants to take on additional responsibility alongside their studies. We help shape campus life, are part of the student parliament (STUPA) and influence decisions in the faculty council. We are also contact persons for problems of any kind and help where we can.

What we do

Together with the faculty, we co-organise various events and are, for example, part of the annual Christmas lecture of the physics teachers. Other actions that go on our account: The legendary TEC PupCrawl, beer crate run, mulled wine flat rate, BeerPong tournament, TEC façade banner, etc. In addition, we launch various excursions.

Who we are looking for

You! You are committed and want to organise something or improve life on campus? Then you've come to the right place. We are a relaxed group that can do everything and doesn't have to do anything. Our studies are in the foreground. Nevertheless, studying is not everything in life. We offer you the chance to meet great people and have a lot of fun. Join us!

How to reach us

Building. 4, R. U-09. Just get in touch with us. The best way to reach us is via our Facebook page


The TEXOVERSUM Schoolof Textiles student council represents student opinion at the faculty and is actively involved in shaping campus life.

What we do

We do everything we can to mix up normal student life a bit. This includes parties, the freshers' weekend and our internal student council regulars' table. We also support the faculty and the university at events like the Open Day or the concerts of the university orchestra.

Who we are looking for

We are looking for everyone who wants to make everyday life on campus more colourful. You should be keen to organise things independently or simply motivated to help out. We are always looking for fresh ideas and love to implement them.

How to reach us

You can reach us best via our Instagram account @fachschaft_td or on Facebook.

Student Initiatives

Students at Reutlingen University have various opportunities to get involved with the university and its study conditions. Help shape the campus in one of the numerous student groups!

National Model United Nations (NMUN)

Each year, Reutlingen University assembles a delegation of around 20 students who travel to New York City in March/April to participate in the world’s largest UN simulation.

ESB Student Consulting e.V.

As the student consultancy at Reutlingen University, ESB Student Consulting e.V. offers students from all faculties the opportunity to put the theory from their lectures to the test in real projects with companies.

Investmentclub ESB Business School e.V.

As Reutlingen University's investment club, our goal is to bring the world of financial securities closer to students from all faculties. We organise excursions to stock exchanges, financial institutions, lectures and the stock exchange driving licence.

oikos Reutlingen

Oikos is an international student organisation that deals with sustainability in business, research and society. The sustainability group oikos Reutlingen wants to open up new perspectives on the topic of sustainability and deepen the students' knowledge on this.

National Model United Nations (NMUN)

For five days, students from across the globe come together to recreate the work of various UN committees. The goal is to diplomatically represent an assigned country—a different one each year—and collaborate with other delegations to work out solutions to global challenges.

Preparation begins in October with regular meetings to prepare the delegation for the conference. In addition, a kick-off weekend takes place at the beginning of the winter semester, followed by an intensive seminar in the spring—in recent years we have been to Berlin, Milan, and Amsterdam. The rest is up to the delegation: from visiting Christmas markets to hosting pizza nights, everything is possible. We also organize fundraising and charity events to support our participation.

If you have a strong interest in international politics and are eager to immerse yourself in diplomatic negotiations and UN processes over several months, this is the right opportunity for you. Our working language is English.

At the beginning of the winter semester, we host kick-off events where you can learn more about the program and the application process. The application deadline is usually mid-October, after which the delegation for the upcoming year is selected.



ESB Student Consulting e.V.

Every semester we carry out around 6-8 projects in which we support start-ups, medium-sized companies and global players with exciting issues.

Apart from working in a project team, you can also get involved in one of our 5 departments and support us in marketing, project acquisition or IT, for example. Our members benefit from a broad social programme with exclusive workshops, team-building events or simply a cocktail evening together.

If you would like to work together with companies on real issues or get a taste of the practical side of things in our departments, we look forward to hearing from you!

The best way to contact us is via our homepage or by email.

Website    E-Mail

Investmentclub ESB Business School e.V.

We are looking for anyone who wants to take a closer look at stock markets, etc. Our members are given priority in the selection of participants and can order free subscriptions such as Capital and WirtschaftsWoche.

You can always find and reach us on Facebook and Instagram as @Investmentclub ESB Business School e.V.. We look forward to seeing you!

oikos Reutlingen

We meet regularly for joint meetings and organise, for example, clothes swap parties, company lectures and film evenings with films on the topic of sustainability.

Everyone who wants to participate in oikos as a concrete project participant or as a supporter, deepen their knowledge of sustainability, get to know other students and their project ideas and become active themselves!

My Campus - Your Campus

Central facilities & services

Our central facilities and student services provide students with relevant information, support and tools to succeed in their studies and make the most of their time at university.

Green Chameleon ©

Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB)

The Central Student Advisory Service (ZSB) supports you throughout your studies and, in addition to offering numerous orientation aids, provides counselling on study organisation, motivation, exam preparation, stress relief, private challenges and more.  

Außenansicht des Reutlinger Campus mit Studierenden und Bäumen


The StudienServiceCenter is the first point of contact for (prospective) students, applicants and alumni at Reutlingen University when it comes to organisational questions surrounding their studies. For more in-depth advice, please refer to the ZSB.

Studierende sitzen in einem Arbeitsraum und diskutieren

Learning Centre

The Learning Centre provides students with all the tools and necessities of a modern university library. Here you will find research tools, IT and media services, bright workspaces, training courses and a café area for a little break between courses. 

Studierende unterhalten sich lachend während sie einen Gang entlang laufen

Center for Entrepreneurship

The Center for Entrepreneurship (CfE) offers a space for experimentation to anyone interested in entrepreneurial endeavors. Here, creative minds and start-up fans get an opportunity to realise ideas and business projects, participate in workshops, networking events and maker spaces. 


Stuwe ©


The Studierendenwerk takes care of students' social, cultural and economic needs. It runs refectories, oversees halls of residence and offers qualified support on a variety of topics including childcare, finances, legal representation and mental health.

Haus der Hochschulgemeinde Reutlingen

ekhg Reutlingen

The ekhg Reutlingen is the campus’s Protestant and Catholic Student Ministry. As well as offering support and guidance in religious and spiritual matters, the programme also includes a range of seminars on acquiring social skills and how to cope with the demands of studying.

Good to know

BAföG, job, scholarship? Learn more about the various possibilities for financing your studies.

It's no use to study on an empty stomach. Click here for the menu of our refectory/cafeteria!


Student hall, private flat or communal living? Reutlingen has many options, so make sure you take a look early on.

The city of Reutlingen

Somewhere between big city & Swabian scenery

Reutlingen has the charm of an old town and a lively cultural scene, has the UNESCO Swabian Alb region on its doorstep and the state capital Stuttgart right next door. Here you can find global players and hidden champions, developers and thinkers, haute cuisine and home cooking and a good portion of Swabian "Kuldur". 

Living & studying in the "Ländle"

Welcome to Swabia! Here, quality of life and the spirit of research go hand in hand with progress and sustainability. There is much to discover between tree tops and top companies – and we are right at the heart of it.

Volksfest mit Riesenrad bei NachtStuttgart Marketing GmbH ©

Cannstatter Wasen

Luftansicht der Burg Hohen Zollern auf der schwäbischen AlbAchim Mende ©

Hohenzollern Castle

Kinder rennen bei Abenddämmerung lachend über einen Platz mit BrunnenOutletcity AG, Vogt ©

Outletcity Metzingen

Wasserfall umgeben von WaldBad Urach Tourismus ©

Bad Urach Waterfall

Stuttgarter Fernsehturm von oben bei SonnenuntergangStuttgart Marketing GmbH, Achim Mende ©

Stuttgart Television Tower

Luftaufnahme der Burg Hohenneuffen über den WolkenAchim Mende ©

Hohenneuffen Castle

Außenansicht des Mercedes-Benz Museums mit SonnenuntergangMercedes Benz AG, Oliver Roggenbuck ©

Mercedes Benz Museum

Waldlandschaft auf der Schwäbischen Alb im SommerGregor Lengler ©

Swabian Alb


Die GEA-Campusseite März

Im Reutlinger General-Anzeiger ist die neue Campusseite erschienen.

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Optimale Förderung bei Gründungsaktivitäten

Zwei aktuelle Rankings zeigen, dass die Hochschule Reutlingen eine starke Unterstützung für Gründungsinteressierte bietet

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Wissen, Austausch, Zukunftschancen: Frühjahrsschule 2025 bringt Nachwuchstalente an der Hochschule Reutlingen zusammen

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Stipendieninfoabend SoSe 25

NXT nAIght

A night dedicated to Artificial Intelligence.

Graduierungsfeier WiSe 2024/25

Campus Shop

The Campus Shop offers Reutlingen University merch with the official university and faculty logos. The selection ranges from shirts, jumpers, hoodies and jute bags to mugs, caps and hats with HSRT branding. The shop is provided by the Friends of Campus Reutlingen e. V.

visit the shop

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