Unfold the Potential. Together.
As a lecturer, you support us in providing a qualified and comprehensive range of courses - especially in those specialised fields and subject areas that are undergoing constant change. However, we are not only looking for qualified candidates in specialised fields. Lecturers will frequently be responsible for teaching interdisciplinary skills in our schools and for teaching in the programme studierenplus. Doing so, they assume diverse tasks, impart specialised knowledge and relevant core competencies, and create an interplay of theory and practice.
Are you an expert in a particular field and have sound professional experience you wish to share with others without becoming directly involved as a lecturer? We are always looking for experts willing to share their expertise with students in guest lectures. If you are interested, please get in touch with the contact persons for lectureships in our schools. Below you will also find a list of subject areas in our schools suitable for guest lectures. We are happy to further assist you in developing or expanding your didactic skills through our versatile continuing education programme.

It's all about time
- Lecturers may teach a maximum of 120 course lessons (45 min each) per semester.
- A teaching assignment is usually issued for one semester and may be offered either in the form of a block course, weekly or for individual sessions (e.g. workshops).
- Lecture periods are usually from October to January and from March to July. Other semester periods apply for certain degree programmes at ESB Business School.

It's all about development
We want to support you in improving didactic approaches and skills and in developing your teaching personality. We thus offer various continuing trainings in didactics, communication, methodology, and much more. For an overview of available courses, please visit the Reutlingen Didactics Institute (RDI).
see all courses
Speculative & repeat applications
Did you not find anything suitable? If so, please submit your speculative application! You can find an overview of the main topics at our schools and institutions here. Provided you agree, your application will remain in our pool for teaching assignments for 1.5 years. We will be happy to contact you if we have a suitable offer.
Does your subject area fit in with several schools and faculties? You are welcome to submit your application to different offices at the same time, as teaching positions are allocated on a decentralised basis. The coordinators of the teaching positions are also constantly in touch with and refer suitable applications to each other.