Vier Personen halten verschiedene Länderflaggen in die Luft
Vier Personen halten verschiedene Länderflaggen in die Luft

Languages and Intercultural Communication

The Institute for Foreign Languages (IfF) offers students, employees, and teaching staff of the university language courses, workshops and exciting projects on intercultural communication and academic writing.




Language courses and workshops per semester


Participants per semester

German as a Foreign Language

This is what we offer for international students of the university who would like to improve their German language skills.



Preparatory German courses

more information

Gruppenfoto der an Sprachkursen teilnehmenden Studierenden auf dem Campus

Intensive Courses prior to the Start of the Semester

Jemand hält eine Sprechblase aus Papier mit dem Satz "Sprechen Sie Deutsch" vor das Brandenburger TorAdobeStock ©

German Courses During the Semester

see all courses

Kursfoto eines Sprachkurses mit Studierenden

Workshops for International Students

Intensive Course "Business German" 2025

The intensive course "Business German" is intended for international students in the BSc programmes International Business  (IB) and International Management (IMX) who are beginning their studies at Reutlingen University in the winter semester 2025/26.

In addition to general and business German lessons, the course offers a social programme with numerous additional offers and assistance with registration formalities. We cannot recommend this course to you highly enough, as it will greatly facilitate your integration into the German university system and increase your oral and written Business German language skills. 

Course duration: Monday, 1 September to Friday, 12 September 2025

Times:  daily 9:15 am - 3 pm (except on Saturdays and Sundays); 60 teaching hours in total

ECTS credits: Upon successful completion, students will receive a graded certificate of attendance; 4 ECTS credits for exchange students

Language levels: A1 - C1 (according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages) 

Group size: 10 - 15 students per group

  • In order to better assess your language skills and place you in the appropriate group, we use an online placement test (beginners do not need to take the test; you will receive more information about this when you register).
  • All classes are taught by experienced language teachers who have been teaching Business German for many years and know the requirements placed on international ESB students.

Additional activities:

  • Help with registration formalities and orientation on campus
  • Welcome session
  • Meet & greet with ESB students 
  • Excursions, city tours, and further free-time activities
  • Further information will follow

Course fee: €250 (You will receive payment details after registering) 

Registration deadline: 31 July 2025 or when the number of participants is reached

Please note: If you need a visa in order to travel to Germany, you should apply for this in good time (approx. 4-6 weeks before your departure date) from the German Embassy or a Consulate General. You will also find information about the current entry regulations to Germany here.

If you wish to withdraw from the course, you may do so by email up to one week before the start of the course without charge. If you register for the course but do not take part and do not inform us that you wish to withdraw, we will impose an administrative fee of at least €50.

For further questions please contact

Intensive course "German Language and Culture" 2025

The intensive course "German Language and Culture" is offered for international students who will be studying at Reutlingen University in Winter Semester 2025/26.

This course acts as an introduction to the German language and enables students to develop their language skills and make the start of their studies and integration into life on campus at Reutlingen University as smooth as possible. All groups are taught by experienced trainers with extensive knowledge in the field of "German as a Foreign Language" for international students. Besides the language lessons, we offer an accompanying programme with a number of additional activities as well as a one-day intercultural training.

Course duration: 15 - 26 September 2025

Times: Monday - Friday, 9:15 am - 3 pm (60 teaching hours in total)

ECTS Credits: Upon successful completion students will receive a graded certificate of attendance and 4 ECTS credits

Language levels: A1 - C1; according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages (can be found in the service panel) 

Group size: 15 - 20 students per group

  • In order to better assess your language skills and place you in the appropriate group, we use an online placement test (you will receive more information about this when you register; beginners do not need to take the test).

Accompanying programme and additional activities:

  • Help with registration formalities, orientation on campus
  • Guided tour of the campus, city tour of Reutlingen
  • Excursions to Heidelberg and Tübingen and further free-time activities
  • Intercultural training
  • Information on studying in Germany

Course fee: €250 (You will receive payment details after registering) 

Please note: If you need a visa in order to travel to Germany, you should apply for this in good time (approx. 4-6 weeks before your departure date) from the German Embassy or a Consulate General. Also inform yourself here about the current entry regulations in Germany.

If you wish to withdraw from the course, you may do so by email up to one week before the start of the course without charge. If you register for the course but do not take part and do not inform us that you wish to withdraw, we will impose an administrative fee of at least €50.

Minimum number of participiants: 40

Registration deadline: 15 August 2025 

Contact: Karin Bukenberger

Workshops for international students

Please note: International students are welcome to join our courses and workshops. All courses and workshops found on the English page are suitable for students with little to no knowledge of German (levels A1-A2).
Information about workshops for which more knowledge of German is required can be found on our German page


Foreign Languages

Fancy foreign languages? Refresh your existing language skills or learn a new language. Prepare yourself linguistically for an internship or study abroad and improve your career and job opportunities. With us you can choose between 10 different languages.

Foreign languages

Welcome to our English courses! We offer specialist language courses, refresher courses, business English and much more from level B1.

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¡Bienvenidos! We offer Spanish courses at a range of levels for beginners and intermediate learners.

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اهلا وسهلا Our courses teach you the basics of the Arabic language. You can reach level A1 in two semesters.

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欢迎! Our Chinese courses offer an insight into one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. You will learn key Chinese characters and basic conversation.

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ようこそ!In this course on level A1.1 you will learn key Japanese characters and simple conversation.

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Bem-vindos à área de Português! Learn basic Portuguese in two semesters.

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Benvenuti a Italiano! We offer Italian courses at levels A1 and A2.

Mehr erfahren

환영합니다! Our A1 level courses offer an introduction to the Korean language - a stepping stone into the world of K-pop and K-dramas.

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Здравствуйте! Learn the basics of Russian and basic conversation in our introductory courses at level A1.

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Bienvenue à tous! Welcome to our French courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced learners.

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Välkomna in our introductory Swedish course at level A1!

More Information

You can find more information about our courses on the intranet. Registration is possible via RELAX/studierenplus.

Course Overview

Academic Writing

How do I plan and write a scientific paper? For questions or problems with writing your thesis or seminar paper, the IfF offers workshops and individual advice on academic writing in German and English.

Academic Writing

  • Individual writing advice in German and English (online or in person)
  • Literature and Links on academic writing
  • Please note: All courses and workshops found on the English page are suitable for students with little to no knowledge of German (levels A1-A2).
    Information about workshops for which more knowledge of German is required can be found on our German page.

Intercultural Communication

What is so foreign about other cultures, and how do we Germans actually come across to others? How do misunderstandings arise and how do we deal with them? How does cooperation work in international teams? How do I apply for a job in Germany? Our workshops and projects on intercultural communication are centred around questions along these lines.

What we offer

The following projects and workshops on intercultural communication will be offered in the summer semester 2025 (more information on the intranet): 

We also offer various workshops for international students. You can find more information here

Tandem Programme

Language tandems offer a somewhat different way to learn a language. Two tandem partners with different native languages learn each other's native language in a relaxed atmosphere and through conversation. Learn a language - join a tandem!


Language Tandem

All university members who  wish to refresh and improve their existing language skills can participate in the programme.

There are no binding rules, but there are some things that make tandem learning easier.

  • Language learning in a tandem is based on the principles of both mutuality and autonomy. The principle of mutuality means that both tandem partners should have approximately the same amount of speaking time. The autonomy principle means that the tandem partners are responsible for learning and so decide for themselves what they want to learn the language for as well as what they want to learn or practise. There are no limits to their imagination.
  • Regular practice is important to make progress. It is best to meet once a week for about 2 hours and prepare for the meetings. Discuss your expectations and goals for the tandem with your tandem partner.
  • For your first meeting, choose neutral, quiet place where you can talk without being disturbed.
  • You can find more advice and exercises for language learning in a tandem here: SeagullMaterial for tandem learning in different languages and levels
  • If you would like to join a language tandem, please complete the registration form. We will contact you when we have found someone for you. We will try to place you as soon as possible, but we cannot guarantee this. If you have any questions or problems, please send us an email.

If you would like to join a language tandem, please complete the registration form. We will contact you when we have found someone for you. We will try to place you as soon as possible, but we cannot guarantee this. If you have any questions or problems, please send us an email.

To the registration


We are currently looking for the following combinations

Looking for Number


I would recommend this programme because I think it is a good way to achieve what almost all international students want: to improve our German and meet cool people! (Alberto) 

Tandem: Hélène (France) and Alberto (Mexico)

For me, the tandem programme was a real benefit. Not only was I able to learn a language that seemed like a huge challenge before, but I also made a true friend. I hope that Yilan and I can meet in person again soon and maybe we can even travel to China together. 再见! (Annika.)

Tandem: Yilan (China) and Annika (Germany)

Meeting each other two times a week allowed me to get to know more than just a teacher of Japanese language and culture, but a friend that I’m really looking forward to meeting again here in Germany or maybe Japan! I’m very grateful for this amazing opportunity and recommend the tandem program to everyone who likes to support intercultural exchange in our globalized world. (Sebastian)

Tandem: Kohei (Japan) and Sebastian (Germany)

Language Café

Fancy meeting new people from all over the world while speaking your favourite language? Then the IfF's Language Café is the place to be! It offers international and German students and university staff once a month the opportunity to practise speaking German, English, French, Spanish or Italian in a relaxed atmosphere.
Dates in the summer semester:

17/03, 14/04, 19/05 and 23/06; 6 – 7.30 pm in the Students Hut by ekhg (Pestalozzistr. 52)

Come and join us - we are looking forward to meeting you!

Kateryna Horbanova vor Häuserfront auf der Tübinger Neckarbrücke

Thank you for the opportunity to study German and the perfect teachers we had! Thanks to them, I now love studying German and communicating in everyday siutations.

Kateryna, Ukraine

The intensive course was such a good way to learn German and at the same time introduce myself to the university and meet people. Thank you so much!

Mireia, Spain

I am glad that the university offers intensive courses because this allows international students to meet and that is really great! The teachers are nice, and we worked in a great atmosphere and learned so many things! The excursions were interesting and fun; we had a great time during these two weeks.

Laure, France

I would like to thank you for your great offers! I got a nice tandem during my studies. Thank you also for the competent writing advice during my Bachelor's and Master's thesis. It has brought me a lot further!

Ellinor, Graduate TEXOVERSUM School of Textiles

The language café was super fun in the nice atmosphere. Besides the opportunity to meet new people, we also gained valuable knowledge about German culture and tried out some delicious German cuisine! Thank you very much for your organisation, the exciting games and the great snacks.

Ly, Vietnam


The IfF is your contact for questions about language learning, language courses, language exams, certificates and much more.
You will find us in building 3, room 3-216.

Our team

Head of IfF, German as a Foreign Language, Intercultural Communication, Academic Writing

Karin Bukenberger, M.A.
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1007

Foreign languages, Tandem programme and English language certificates

Dr. Jennifer Sturm
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1013


Ivana  Nosić
Tel.: +49 7121 271 1108

Bridgette McGowen
Tel.: +49 7121 271 2039


Opening times

Monday-Friday: 09:00 - 12:00
Monday, Wednesday and Thursday: 14:00 - 16:00


Tel.: +49 7121 271 1108

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