Family Services

Organising studies, mastering exams, finding a job for the placement semester: All students have to face these challenges at some point. This presents an additional hurdle for students with children or relatives in need of care: Who looks after them while they are in class or at work?

Studies & Care

More and more students have to look after family members. Even though this only affects a fraction of students, these students especially need support. As a family-friendly university, Reutlingen University strives to provide these students with equal opportunities in their studies.

Students who care for close relatives in need of care as defined in § 7 Para. 3 of the Nursing Care Period Act (Pflegezeitgesetz) may apply for an extension of the examination deadlines in accordance with §12 (1) and (2) of the university's study and examination regulations. The application must include the necessary supporting documents. Each application is examined individually.

Students who look after close relatives in need of care can apply for leave of absence in the form of a "Urlaubssemester" (semester of leave). During this semester of leave, students may still attend classes, complete coursework and examinations, and use the university facilities.

Students must provide proof of their close relatives' need for care by submitting the current "Pflegeeinstufungsbescheids" (care classification notice) in which the student is specified as the caregiver. If proof is missing, it may be requested on a case-by-case basis.

The university's "Pflegelotsin" is the first point of contact for questions on the topic of reconciling care and studies/work and can put you in contact with the relevant specialist advice services.

Studies & Pregnancy

As of 2018, female students are included in maternity protection. Here you can find information to ensure the safety and health of pregnant and breastfeeding students at the university, as well as the Maternity Protection Act.

On-site retreat options

Resting, feeding & changing

In order to get some rest during pregnancy and to be able to feed and change your child in peace, we have a breastfeeding, resting and changing room on the ground floor of building 5 (room 019B).


There are three TigeR facilities in the immediate vicinity of the campus: the Campus TigeR, the TigeR Duo One and the TigeR Duo Two. These childcare facilities are designed to help students and university staff better manage their day-to-day studies and work. The abbreviation "TigeR" stands for "Tagesbetreuung in geeigneten Räumen" (daycare in suitable rooms) and is a cooperation between Reutlingen University and the Tagesmütterverein Reutlingen e.V. (Reutlingen Day Care Association).

Kinder basteln mit buntem TonpapierTJ Sigmund, ©

Campus TigeR

The Campus-TigeR opened in autumn 2011 at Pestalozzistraße 39, just off campus. There, two childminders take care of students' children aged 0 to 3 years. The Campus-TigeR offers a total of 9 full-time spots or 12 spots in a place-sharing arrangement. Care hours are Monday-Friday from 7:00-17:00.

Kleinkind malt mit bunten Wachsstiften auf ein Blatt PapierErika Fletcher, ©

TigeR Duo One & Two

The TigeR Duo One at Pestalozzistraße 59 (Gb. 13) has a bilingual childcare concept (D-E) and also caters to students with children aged 0 to 3 years. The TigeR offers 9 full-time spots or 12 spots in a place-sharing arrangement. In the same building there is also the TigeR Duo Two, which primarily looks after children of university employees, but also accepts children of students in certain cases.

The childcare hours of the three facilities are Monday-Friday from 07:00-17:00. If you have any questions, Fiona Boser at the Tagesmütterverein Reutlingen e.V. will be happy to help.


Fiona Boser
Tel.: +49 7121 38 784 26

send eMail

Mensa for Kids

Children of students also receive a free meal in the refectory with the Mensa-Kinderkarte. This offer is provided by the Studierendenwerk Tübingen-Hohenheim. For more information on the Mensa-Kinderkarte and the "Mensa for Kids" offer, please visit the Studierendenwerk website

Family Service Centre

The Family Service Centre deals with questions of reconciling family responsibilities, including caring for relatives, with work requirements or studying. We advise you on childcare options and financial assistance. We are happy to assist you with individual solutions and always treat your concerns confidentially.

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Deputy Equal Opportunities Representative

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FH Personnel Project, Coordinator Talent Pool Profs of Tomorrow
Equality, Diversity & Family Services Representative