Information for Businesses

Strong business cooperations are a key feature of Reutlingen University. We work with global players as well as high-performance mid-sized companies.


Job portals

Are you looking for graduates or do you have internships and theses to offer? You can publish your vacancies on our two online job portals free of charge.

Reutlingen University job portal

As a company, you can conveniently register online and enter and manage your job advertisements. The advertisements are displayed for a maximum of three months.

After you have created your company profile, you can enter your vacancies in our job portal. Here you can also draw attention to recruiting events for students and graduates studying at the School of Engineering, the School of Informatics, the School of Life Sciences and TEXOVERSUM.

visit our Job portal

ESB Business School job portal

Are you looking for interns, graduates, young professionals or students who would like to write their thesis with you? You can make your job advertisements accessible to all ESB Business School students in our online job database.

Please register for our online job portal to enter your job advertisements.

visit our Jobportal


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Entrepreneurship, Career Service, Alumni

Further education

Since its foundation, Reutlingen University has developed close partnerships with the industry. This enables the participating companies to get in touch with their future employees while they are still in education. The Knowledge Foundation @ Reutlingen University (KFRU), the further education foundation at Reutlingen University, builds on this approach and continues to expand it.

Knowledge Foundation @ Reutlingen University (KFRU)

For more than ten years, the foundation has been working with companies as well as highly regarded professors and experts to impart practical and application-oriented knowledge. In cooperation with the business community, the KFRU therefore continuously develops tailor-made professional development opportunities. The Foundation's portfolio includes part-time Bachelor's and Master's programmes tailored to the participants' needs, expert programmes (seminars and certificate courses) as well as programmes in the field of executive education.

visit the kfru

Dates & Events

LIT Career Day 2025

Career fairs

Our faculties regularly offer career fairs on campus. Here you can make contact with students and graduates, present your company and award internships and theses to qualified applicants.

Career events

In the summer semester of 2024, Reutlingen University will once again hold a TIC Career Day in the presence of almost 50 exhibitors.

Date: To be announced.

If you are interested in contacting our students from the faculties of Life Sciences, Engineering and Computer Science, we will add you to the distribution list for future events. Please send an e-mail with your contact details to

Contact: Thomas Rehmet, Tel. 07121/271-1082

Are you interested in partnering with Reutlingen University?

If you would like to shape the future with Reutlingen University, please contact Prof. Dr. Christoph Binder for ESB Business School or Thomas Rehmet for all other schools.

Reutlingen University - a good decision! 

For more than 10 years, I had been involved with the university in the university council. For me, the university distinguishes itself through its high reputation, its top rankings in teaching and research, as well as its innovativeness and internationality. Many companies in the region are very interested in well-educated graduates and offer interesting tasks and perspectives.

Christoph Kübel

Until the end of 2020, member of the board of management and Chief HR Officer of Robert Bosch GmbH. Since 2021 Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Robert Bosch Stiftung GmbH.

Our support associations

Numerous well-known companies support Reutlingen University and are members of one of our two sponsoring associations. Below you can find an overview of the various ways to support the university.

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Campus Reutlingen e.V.

For over 150 years, Campus Reutlingen e.V., the support association of Reutlingen University, has been supporting the university in its continuous quality assurance and the expansion of its teaching and research programmes.

V.I.M.A e.V.

The association for the promotion of international management education V.I.M.A e.V. unites around 50 member companies and supports ESB Business School.

More Information

As an association for the promotion of Reutlingen University and as a mediator between higher education and professional practice, Campus Reutlingen e.V. is committed to the following goals:

  • Promoting the university in research, education and further training, i.e. encouraging new subject areas and supporting their establishment and expansion
  • Supporting students with scholarships and information events
  • Assisting with alumni support
  • Fundraising in terms of a public-private partnership
  • Promoting technology transfer between academia and industry
  • Helping students start their own businesses
  • Supporting the Knowledge Foundation @ Reutlingen University (KFRU), which aspires to become a leading international institution with its continuing education programmes

visit Campus Reutlingen e.V.

The association's most important tasks:

  • Enabling and strengthening contacts between academia and professional practice for both students and lecturers.
  • Encouraging the development of integrative undergraduate and postgraduate study programmes
  • Supporting the knowledge transfer between science and business practice

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