Students can be funded for a semester abroad from two to twelve months at a partner university, including up until their PhD. All students abroad at a European or partner university associated with the programme will automatically receive an Erasmus+ scholarship.
On this website, you can find information for funding Erasmus+ study semesters.

- Monthly scholarship funding for the study semester abroad, based on the target country
- Additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities
- Additional funding for using green travel
- Academic accreditation for courses completed abroad
- Exemption from tuition fees at the partner university
- Preparatory Cultural, linguistic and organizational support
- Online Language Support

- Only stays at one of HSRT’s over 100 Erasmus+ partner universities can be funded (HSRT’s partner universities)
- Bachelor students must be in at least their second year of studies, Master students must be in at least in their second semester
- All students enrolled at the HSRT can receive funding (Bachelor, Master, PhD).
- A maximum of 12 months can be funded per study cycle
- The funding can be split within a study cycle and used multiple times (e.g. two periods of six months)
The EU-Commission bestows the ERASMUS Charter for Higher Education 2021-2028 (ECHE). This serves as proof, that Reutlingen University meets all requirements to successfully participate in ERASMUS-Programmes.
Erasmus on Higher Education Policy (PDF)
Liability clause
(see Grant Agreement Annex I General Conditions Article II.8 - Visibility of Union Funding)
Dunning procedure
All beneficiaries must submit all documents in full and on time. Missing or incomplete documents will result in a reminder procedure. The International Office will inform the grant recipients and the programme coordinators and ask them to complete the documents within 14 days. Failure to do so will result in a refund. In the event of dunning proceedings please get immediately in touch with your Erasmus+ contact person at Reutlingen University.
Publication obligation
‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’
Further information and advice on Erasmus+ mobility programmes can be obtained from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation (Kennedyallee 50; 53115 Bonn)
Phone: +49(0)800 2014 020
Fax: +49(0)228 882 555
E-mail: erasmus@daad.de
Website: eu.daad.de