Erasmus+ for Studying Abroad

Erasmus+ gives students the opportunity to study in another European country and broaden their linguistic and academic horizons, as well as their cultural competencies.

Students can be funded for a semester abroad from two to twelve months at a partner university, including up until their PhD. All students abroad at a European or partner university associated with the programme will automatically receive an Erasmus+ scholarship.

On this website, you can find information for funding Erasmus+ study semesters.

Erasmus+ Internships

ERASMUS also funds internships for students at a guest institution in the EU (excluded are institutions that manage EU programmes, as well as diplomatic posts for the home country of the student). Furthermore, a limited number of internships outside of the EU based on a “first-come, first serve” policy can also be funded.

Students can gain valuable work experience in an international environment, along with key competencies like communication and cooperation skills, knowledge and an openness for other cultures and markets.

Students can receive funding for both mandatory and voluntary internships for a period from two to twelve months.

Graduates can also be funded if they apply for funding while still studying and if the internship will be completed within twelve months after their graduation.

The programme offers students the following benefits: funding is determined by KOOR - Erasmus Services BW for the corresponding project year.

  • Monthly grant depending on the country group
  • EU internship contract between the university, company and student
  • Support in preparing for the stay abroad
  • Assistance during the internship through the contact person from the home university and in the company
  • Recognition of workload completed abroad

Contact for Erasmus+ Internships:
Brigitte Bahcaci

The Career Service of Reutlingen University and the ESB Career Center also publish internship offers and offer advice.


  • Monthly scholarship funding for the study semester abroad, based on the target country
  • Additional funding for participants with fewer opportunities
  • Additional funding for using green travel
  • Academic accreditation for courses completed abroad
  • Exemption from tuition fees at the partner university
  • Preparatory Cultural, linguistic and organizational support
  • Online Language Support

Online Language Support for Erasmus+

As part of the Erasmus+ programme, students who receive funding also have access to Online Language Support (OLS) to help them improve their knowledge of the language in which they are studying or doing a placement abroad.

Online Language Support is available to students for three years, giving them the opportunity to improve their language skills before, during and after their stay abroad.

Access to the language courses includes a wide range of interactive and personalized activities. Participants can take language courses in any of the languages available on OLS, with no limit on the number of languages and learning units, and improve their language skills.

Go to the OLS platform


  • Only stays at one of HSRT’s over 100 Erasmus+ partner universities can be funded (HSRT’s partner universities)
  • Bachelor students must be in at least their second year of studies, Master students must be in at least in their second semester
  • All students enrolled at the HSRT can receive funding (Bachelor, Master, PhD).
  • A maximum of 12 months can be funded per study cycle
  • The funding can be split within a study cycle and used multiple times (e.g. two periods of six months)


Students apply for studying abroad at one of our partner universities within their school. All students studying at a European or partner university associated with the Erasmus+ Programme will automatically receive an Erasmus+ scholarship.

Selection Criteria

The schools select students based entirely on the set criteria: grades, language proficiency, uncompleted examinations, academic progress, motivation etc.

Students should possess a B2 level for the language of instruction (most often English).

Further selection criteria might also include (extra)curricular engagement, vocational training and internships.

We are looking for cosmopolitan students interested in other cultures, who will represent our university and Germany within the Erasmus+ Programme positively.


The funding rates set by Germany apply for the corresponding academic year, based on the country groups and for study semesters (SMS).


Country Group


Funding rates for acad. Years


Austria, Belgium, Denmark,
Finland, France, Germany,
Iceland, Ireland, Italy,
Liechtenstein, Luxembourg,
Netherlands, Norway, Sweden,
United Kingdom

600 EUR / month

Estonia, Greece, Latvia, Malta,
Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia,
Spain, Czech Republic, Cyprus,
Bulgaria, Croatia, Lithuania,
North Macedonia, Poland,
Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Hungary

540 EUR / month

Partner countries of the International
Dimension, e.g. Japan, Mexico,
South Africa, South Korea, USA

700 EUR / month

Social top-ups (additional 250,- Euro monthly) for students with chronic illnesses or disabilities, working students, first-generation students as well as students with child(ren).

More Information

If necessary, travel time before and after the activity can be funded, with a maximum of 6 additional travel days for students travelling environmentally friendly and a maximum of 2 travel days for non-environmentally friendly travelling.

More Information

TO DO’s for Scholarship Recipients

All Erasmus+ recipients receive detailed information about the application and organization of their scholarship, once they have been selected for an Erasmus+ study placement.



In order to receive Erasmus funding, the following documents must be submitted.

Before the stay abroad

  • Grant Agreement
  • Learning Agreement
  • Online Language Support

At the end of the stay abroad

  • Certificate of Attendance
  • EU Survey

Deputy Director, RIO
Erasmus+ Coordinator
Projects and Scholarships

The EU-Commission bestows the ERASMUS Charter for Higher Education 2021-2028 (ECHE). This serves as proof, that Reutlingen University meets all requirements to successfully participate in ERASMUS-Programmes.


Erasmus on Higher Education Policy (PDF)

Liability clause

(see Grant Agreement Annex I General Conditions Article II.8 - Visibility of Union Funding)

Dunning procedure

All beneficiaries must submit all documents in full and on time. Missing or incomplete documents will result in a reminder procedure. The International Office will inform the grant recipients and the programme coordinators and ask them to complete the documents within 14 days. Failure to do so will result in a refund. In the event of dunning proceedings please get immediately in touch with your Erasmus+ contact person at Reutlingen University.

Publication obligation

‘This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.’

Further information and advice on Erasmus+ mobility programmes can be obtained from the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation (Kennedyallee 50; 53115 Bonn)

Phone: +49(0)800 2014 020
Fax: +49(0)228 882 555

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