Absolventinnen und Absolventen in Roben werfen fröhlich ihre Hüte in die Luft
Absolventinnen und Absolventen in Roben werfen fröhlich ihre Hüte in die Luft

Information for Alumni

As an alumni, you have not only successfully completed your studies but also continue to be a valuable member of the university. As an alumni, you benefit from a strong network and, at the same time, support your alma mater!

Further education

Education does not end after primary education, but is a lifelong learning process. Only continuous development paves the way to a successful career, enables employees to benefit from the latest knowledge and ensures companies remain competitive. The Knowledge Foundation @ Reutlingen University, a further education institution of Reutlingen University, provides you with the latest knowledge from research and professional practice at the highest level.

Knowledge Foundation @ Reutlingen University (KFRU)

With knowledge from research and professional practice, our further education institution combines interdisciplinary solutions from the fields of management, informatics, engineering, applied chemistry as well as textiles & design. These include:

  • Part-time Master's and Bachelor's programmes
  • Sector-specific part-time Master's programmes for businesses
  • Individually tailored management programmes
  • Advanced training programmes for experienced specialists and managers (open or company-specific)

visit the kfru website

Our alumni groups

Various groups promote alumni work at the university. As a member of one of these groups, you directly support Reutlingen University and its students - both financially and with your professional knowledge and experience.

AUFnet e.V.


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Campus Reutlingen e.V.


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ESB Reutlingen Alumni e.V.


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TD Alumni e.V.


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Vereinigung Reutlinger Ingenieure e.V.


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Reutlingen University offers young entrepreneurs great opportunities to realise their business ideas - both in the Neckar-Alb region and beyond. Engaged professors from all schools incorporate entrepreneurial thinking into their curriculum and thus promote our students' sense for innovation and entrepreneurship. The Center for Entrepreneurship coordinates these activities and is a central point of contact for all university members.

Center for Entrepreneurship

Dates & Events

LIT Career Day 2025

Franziska Uhl spricht vor Publikum über ihr Start-Up

We should put our ego aside every day and realise that we are the last generation that can bring about a future worth living for for all generations to come.


Franziska Uhl

COO & Co-Founder YarnSustain Schönrock Uhl GmbH, alumna Textiltechnologie / Textilmanagement 2020

Foto von Jose Enrique Gomez Asbeck

With two fellow students from Reutlingen University, we founded our own IT solutions company during our studies. Twenty years later, I still work here at bbg as Managing Director. We are specialists in software development and consulting.


José Enrique Gómez Asbeck

Founder / Managing Director bbg bitbase group GmbH, alumnus Wirtschaftsinformatik 2005

Foto von Adran Patzi

Reutlingen University equipped me with the right knowledge and connections to build my career. The university's size allows students to form a relationship with each other and receive actual guidance from the professors in the school.


Adrian Patzi 

Co Founder - Head of Technology LucidWrite, alumnus Wirtschaftsinformatik 2021


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