The Meditation and Prayer Room (Raum der Stille) in 20-017 is available to all members of the University for prayer and meditation. Please note the Terms of Use (PDF).
Excerpt from the Terms of use:
Devotions and rituals, whether these are held regularly or only once, may take place from Monday to Friday between the times of 12 noon and 2 pm only.
They must be entered on a booking chart. This chart can be found next to the Meditation and Prayer Room.
- The Ombudspersons for the Meditation and Prayer Room must be informed if new entries are to be made for regular bookings.
- The room should be available again for general use after a maximum of 30 minutes.
- No more than three listed devotions or rituals may be carried out on any one day.
- Groups may make use of the room at the times given. Only at these times are speaking and singing permitted.
- Devotions, rituals and similar activities for the time period 12 noon to 2 pm must be entered on the booking chart at least one day in advance.
- If there are already three half-hour bookings listed for that particular day, no further activity may take place
Contact persons and Ombudspersons:
- Baldur Veit, LL.D., RIO, building 3-218
- Prof. Dr. Ahmet Ünal, Textil & Design, building 1-122