On campus for the first time?
- Activate your university account!If you have difficulty doing so, come by, write us an e-mail (servicedesk@reutlingen-university.de) or give us a call (07121/271-1333).
- Your CampusCaRT is probably your most important tool on campus, especially in the Learning Centre! It functions as a library card, as a key for the lockers and as a cash-free payment method for our snack and drinks machines. Drop by and activate your card to borrow media!
- Download the Uni-Now-App and come to the Service Desk to verify your 3G status in the app. You can also use the app to quickly and easily check into the library and your lecture rooms!
- Take a library tour: we offer two reading rooms filled with books and study spaces as well as databases and thousands of electronic media to download. Our tours are a great way to get to know us and receive helpful tips for studying in the Learning Centre. There will be three tours as part of the staRT weeks - come along!
- Do you still have questions? Just come to the Service Desk – we are happy to help!