Week I: 24. - 28.02.2025 Week II: 03. - 07.03.2025 Flexible offer: We offer face-to-face and online courses. The online offer is mainly intended for those who cannot yet be on site. We recommend attending in person to get to know the university and your fellow students. Please tick (Please refresh the page if you want to modify the selection):Mathematics and physics programme
Offered by the School of Informatics (free of charge) I will attend:
Chemistry prep course (free of charge)
Additional offers (free of charge) I will attend:
I hereby register bindingly for the selected course(s)/course option(s) and transfer the course fee to the following account within one week, depending on the course selection: Hochschule Reutlingen Dt. Bundesbank Filiale Reutlingen IBAN: DE40 6400 0000 0064 0015 07 Please enter only the booking number in the "Customer reference no." field of the bank transfer, which will be displayed once you have submitted the form. Please enter the participant's LAST NAME and FIRST NAME in the second field "Verwendungszweck" (purpose of payment)!
Data privacy I have read the Datenschutzerklärung and agree that the data I have entered here will be stored for the organisation of the preparation courses.
*Funding is available for course fees: If it is not possible for you to finance the course fees for the preparatory course weeks, please send us an e-mail (Nicole.Piasecki@Reutlingen-University.de) and we will inform you about support options after an individual assessment of circumstances.